Board approves to bid more than $8 million worth of Summer 2019 projects

Erica Loiacono
District 200 Newsroom
1 min readJan 18, 2019

In keeping true to the Board’s commitment to be fiscally responsible and seek opportunities to address high-priority capital facility projects, the Board approved to bid $8.4 million in Summer 2019 projects.

Projects identified include roofing projects at Bower, Lincoln, North, South and Johnson; tuck pointing at Bower, Hawthorne, Pleasant Hill and Wiesbrook; door replacement at Emerson, Johnson, Franklin, Lincoln, Lowell, Madison, Sandburg, Whittier, Wiesbrook, Monroe, North and South; flooring projects at Pleasant Hill, Lowell, Sandburg and Whittier; mechanical systems upgrades/replacement at Franklin, Sandburg and Hubble; and several projects that fall into the “other” category.

The overall estimate for this work is $8.4 million, however, the Board is not bound to accept all of the projects identified and bid, especially if bids come in higher than anticipated. The Board is expected to utilize a little over $4 million in next year’s budget and an allocation from fund balance to pay for these projects.

