Board posts 10th consecutive balanced budget for public review and comment

Erica Loiacono
District 200 Newsroom
2 min readJul 16, 2019

The 2019–20 (FY20) Tentative Budget is now posted and available for public review on the District website, at the School Service Center and at various other locations throughout the community. Important points to note for the tentative FY20 budget include:

  • The tentative FY20 operating budget is $175.7 million and is balanced.
  • Total revenue from the State of Illinois, just over $20 million, is a slight increase from the prior year due to the new evidence-based funding formula and represents just 10% of our overall revenue.
  • The District will allocate $951,700 towards the lease payment for the new Jefferson Early Childhood Center using State proceeds.
  • Expenditures on high priority capital projects (roofing, flooring, exterior doors and mechanical) are $7.2 million, a significant increase of $3 million from the prior year.
  • In a time of rising health care costs, our health insurance costs remain flat due to the District’s transition to a cooperative health insurance plan two years ago.

The District continues to be responsible stewards of public tax dollars.

  • At $13,546 per student, District 200’s operating expense per student has historically been below the State average and is the second lowest among our six other benchmark districts.
  • The FY18 Fund Balance (savings) was 31.9%, within the range of the Board’s 25–40% fund balance policy.
  • Standard & Poor’s maintained the District’s bond rating at AA+, the 2nd highest rating level possible.
  • The State Board of Education continues to designate the District in the Financial Recognition category, the highest possible, for the past four years.
  • The tentative FY20 budget marks ten (10) consecutive years of a balanced budget.

A public hearing will be held on August 14 at 7:00 p.m. as part of the regular August Board Meeting for any community members who would like to share feedback and comments on the 2019–20 Tentative Budget.

