Emerson’s weekly announcements are more than just a list of important dates

Erica Loiacono
District 200 Newsroom
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

Each week, a group of Emerson 5th graders on the Student Council have a “working lunch” so they can write, film and produce a weekly newscast for the school.

Emerson teacher Mike Lorch gives students a rough outline of announcements they need to cover, but also allows them the creative space to include other announcements they think other students will care about. Announcements include upcoming dates, school-wide initiatives and also important lessons.

Students collaboratively plan who will film, who will serve as news anchors or actors, who will edit by piecing together video footage and adding music and transitions, etc. Students love this weekly project because they get to create skits but also decide on important lessons and reminders for the student body like not giving up, helping others and being a good person.

The student body’s favorite segment of the newscast is the “Student Spotlight” feature. Each week one teacher selects a student from their class to be nominated for demonstrating good listening skills, expected behavior, demonstrating extra effort or doing something for others. It’s a huge honor for a student to be named in the spotlight in front of the entire school. This weekly spotlight encourages students to complement one another and promotes positive attitudes and behavior.

Each week, these 5th graders get to see their hard work pay off when they hear cheers coming down the halls as classes are watching the newscast. This story is just one example of how District 200 staff do an amazing job of incorporating social-emotional learning into the traditional school day. Growing social-emotional skills in our students are essential to their school and life success.

