Our commitment to you

Erica Loiacono
District 200 Newsroom
1 min readSep 20, 2018

Members of the District 200 community can expect to receive the postcard above from the Board of Education and Superintendent in their mailbox this week.

We share a common desire to inspire excellence in our students, our community and ourselves. To achieve that mission, we must work together.

Recently, however, based on the outcomes of the last two referendums, our community, school board, and district haven’t been on the same page. We take responsibility for that. We can, and will, do better.

Under the direction of our School Board and Superintendent, District 200 is turning the page on the past. We will collaborate with our parents, taxpayers, teachers, community leaders and anyone else that wishes to work together to move our schools forward.

Our community wants the best possible education for our children at an affordable cost. Our community wants efficient spending and property tax relief. Our community wants to work together to achieve our shared vision for our schools. We’ve heard you loud and clear.

This is our commitment to you: we will collaborate with you on the future of our schools, reduce costs and be fiscally responsible, and provide our children a 21st century education. Continue reading…

