Thank you, District 200

Erica Loiacono
District 200 Newsroom
2 min readNov 15, 2018

Thanksgiving serves as a good reminder to be grateful for all the gifts we have in life. In that spirit, I wanted to share a few ‘thank yous’ to those who make a difference in the quality of education in District 200.

We have a strong public education system that is highly valued and regarded in this community. The strength of our system is not possible without you.

Thank you, Students — You are an incredibly talented group of children that appreciate your teachers. Each year I am amazed by your academic abilities, your artistic talents, your athletic abilities and how much you contribute and give back to this community.

Thank you, Staff — Our children are fortunate to have an incredible staff that go above and beyond to ensure each student reaches their highest level of learning and personal development. You are dedicated to developing a growth mindset in all of our students.

Thank you, Parents & Community — Without your high level of engagement and support, our students and staff would not be able to achieve great things. It is evident that you value excellence in education and the conditions of our schools.

Thank you, Partner Organizations — Each year, our PTAs, Booster Clubs and the Student Excellence Foundation tirelessly donate time, talents and financial support to ensure that all our students have a rich and innovative learning experience in District 200.

Thank you, Board of Education — You lead our system with integrity, passion and great care. You often make difficult, complicated decisions and that is not easy. But you make those decisions with the best interest of all children in mind.

Earlier this month, our community came together to solve the issues surrounding Jefferson Early Childhood Center. I am extremely grateful for the community support of our schools. I encourage each of you to offer a personal thank you to someone who has impacted you and made a difference in your life — I guarantee they will appreciate it.

I wish you all a happy and restful break.

