Distrikt Product Release v 1.15

Significant Changes to UX and More features!

Andra Georgescu
4 min readNov 30, 2022


Distrikt is back with a new product release. We have made many improvements and some major rearrangements behind the scenes.

These improvements and new features are meant to make engagement easier and boost discoverability for distrikt users.

We’ve also released a couple of features that will make airdrops so much easier. NFT enthusiasts and creators can now leverage distrikt to build and reward their audience!

This release is just one part of several iterations that we will be doing overtime to make the platform more enjoyable and performant.

Previous product update: PODS and verified NFT PFP

In our previous release we evolved the Distrikt POD collection and added a new asset in the form of the distrikt helmets. We also included a new verified pfp feature for users to flex their POD.

Both the POD and Helmet metadata is linked to the NFT and hosted fully on-chain, transforming the POD into a multi-asset collection. Users can set either of their NFT assets image thumbnail as verified NFT PFP on distrikt.

Current update: improving discoverability and quality of engagement

The current update is about making it easier for users to interact with each other, improving engagement as well as discoverability, and providing our awesome ICP NFT community with better tools to airdrop to their followers.

But first, you will notice(in aprox 48h) that distrikt.app URL sticks in the browser address bar.

Gone are the days when our URL would speak the intimidating language of canister smart contracts. With the custom domain feature, users that are not familiar with the Internet Computer will not don’t be alienated by the canister IDs anymore.

We have also updated the SEO tags for Distrikt to enable more discoverability.

Introducing the Comment reply threads feature

Users can now reply to comments with auto-tagging, providing an experience more similar to what they are used to with social media networks like Twitter.

Our goal was to make it much easier to keep track of a conversation, follow a back-and-forth debate, and answer to individual comments.

This improvement of the commenting experience enables users to freely engage with each other without friction. You can now discuss interests with others or engage in lengthy discussions without losing track of your conversations.

Grow your Network with Comment previews

You will now be able to see what your friends are commenting on — via previews of comments left by people you follow on posts published by individuals you don’t follow.

We consider this an experimental feature that we hope will help users discover new content and accounts in an organic way. An extension of this feature is the add-on of comment Activity on a user’s profile under the Activity tab.

Please let us know your thoughts on this feature in the in-app feedback form pinned on top of your feed.

Export Wallets of Followers with One Click

In a salute to the awesome NFT community growing on the Internet Computer, we have implemented a set of features that will empower NFT projects and artists.

You can now select an external wallet address(stoic/plug) as your primary address and add it to your progfile, which can be exported by the people you follow to Airdrop NFTs.

Similarly, you could export the wallet addresses of your followers to airdrop them tokens.

Adding birthdays and NFT wallet addresses

Users can now add their Birthday to their profile and display it on their profile if they wish to do so.

We thought this to be a nice touch for users that want to be mindful of such milestones and celebrate them with our community 🥳

Bug Fixes and General Improvements

We have squashed a few bugs, improved the way content is being delivered to your feed, and optimized distrikt for better overall performance.

Next steps

Let us know if you have a cool feature in mind that you’d like to see on distrikt! Our community has always provided excellent feedback and we are trying to include it into our roadmap.

Distrikt is on a mission to create a self-sustaining decentralized social media protocol governed and owned by its community. And we strive to provide a more sophisticated experience with every upgrade.

Network effects will help make the platform resistant to censorship and boost its growth so features that enable growing network effects (like this release and the next) are key for the growth of the platform.

We will focus on discoverability of content and accounts for our next release and then on opening up the platform so that the II login is not required to access and view the platform.

Onwards! 🚀

Connect with Distrikt: check out our Bink (web3 linktree)



Andra Georgescu

Sugar, spice and everything nice @DokiaCapital | Co-founder @distrikt