93% of Writing Advice is Bullshit (Here is Why)

Here is how I go unconventional

Ajayi Olalekan
Ditch the Grind
3 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

You have read all the blog posts. You have taken all the online courses. You have bought all the books on writing, studying them like gospel. But after investing countless hours into "learning" how to write well, your writing still feels...meh.

Why? Because 93% of the writing advice out there is utter bullshit peddled by self-proclaimed gurus who don’t know what they’re talking about. Well, most, not all.

Think about it - how many "experts" rehash the same cliched tips over and over? Show don’t tell. Write what you know. Hook the reader in the first line. Holy crap!

Those tired pieces of advice offer zero unique insights and don't teach you how to truly resonate with readers on an emotional level.

Sure, some foundational "rules" make sense — like using simple language. But for the most part, letting arbitrary style guidelines stifle your innate voice is a creativity killer.

Because here’s the real secret about writing advice that no one wants to admit: Sometimes the rules don’t matter.

Writing is an art, not a math equation. It's about expressing yourself authentically and creatively, not blindly following someone else's overly prescriptive format.

The second you try to conform your voice and style to someone's methodical checklist for "good writing," you've already failed at creating anything genuinely compelling.

So what does that mean for you?

Stop treating the standard writing tips as commandments.

Let that outdated, recycled noise become white noise that you tune out.

Instead, read wildly across a variety of genres and authors to study what resonates with you. What styles, tones and literary devices make you feel something?

Work on developing your signature writing muscles through vulnerability, staying curious, and constantly experimenting.

Fall in love with the unique plots that pour out of you.

Hone the ability to channel whatever mood or emotion you need to evoke on the page.

Because at the end of the day, readers won’t be wowed by writing that meticulously follows all the conventional guidelines. They will be wowed by messy, gritty, authentic, electrifying writing that jolts them right between the eyes and reverberates within them long after they’ve stopped reading.

Wrapping Up

So start taking writing advice with a boulder-sized pinch of salt.

Do what feels authentic while studying what impacts you. And for the love of words, stop playing by the prescribed rules before your writing voice gets strangled out of existence!

Write with rebellious abandon!

Ready to start developing real resonance with your audience — Your tribe?

Join my 21-day writing challenge for April. Read about it here:

Transform Your Writing This April With This 21-day Writing Challenge

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Ajayi Olalekan
Ditch the Grind

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - https://shorturl.at/DHNT4 | Get my Medium Masterclass — https://selar.co/1d97cl