Beware the Bait-and-Switch: How Online Publishing Platforms Can "Micro-Cheat" Their Authors

The internet revolutionized publishing, empowering authors to share their work and reach global audiences.

But amidst the golden promises lurk “shadowy practices” that exploit and disrespect writers.

We're not talking about outright scams.

But rather subtle "micro-cheating" tactics that erode trust and chip away at an author's livelihood.

Think of emotional infidelity in romantic relationships but for your author-platform bond.

These seemingly harmless actions, if left unchecked, can have detrimental consequences.


Writers, we expose the “deceptive tactics” used by some platforms.

1. Chameleon Agreement (Online Publishing Agreement, Bait and Switch Clause, Copyright):

A dream offer lures you into signing up, but you discover a hidden clause in the final contract. Ownership becomes unclear, rewards decrease, and workload increases abnormally.


Read the details before you hit send!”

2. Ghost Game (message from the author, ghosting of publication, the platform not responding):

I submitted my masterpiece, but my wireless connection was lost. Emails get bounced, phone calls get dropped, and you don't know the fate of your creations. This blatant disrespect is a warning sign.

“Your time and effort deserve better!”

3) Editorial extraction (unfair editing practices, communication between author and editor, respect for author's intent):

The edited manuscript arrives but is distorted beyond recognition. Unfair changes made without consultation will distort your thinking and ruin your carefully crafted prose.

“Remember: Constructive criticism is valuable, but one-sided slaughter is not.”

4. Public shaming (author public shaming, online platform ethics, author reputation management):

Your work is published, but instead of applause, you receive public criticism from the platform itself. This kind of blatant rudeness is not only demoralizing but also damaging to your reputation.

“Expertise Matters!”

5. Money disappearing (delayed author payments, unclear royalty structures, hidden platform fees):

You write and publish, but your income remains elusive. Unreasonable delays, unclear structures, and arbitrary deductions leave you wondering where your money went. “Transparency is key!”

6. Exaggerated illusions (misleading creator earnings, misleading platform metrics, affiliate marketing disclosures):

Platforms boast impressive ad revenues, but reality paints a different picture. Misleading metrics and hidden affiliate marketing create a mirage of prosperity and meagre rewards. “Honesty is the best policy!”

7. Double Fault (Copyright Infringement, Unauthorized Content Licensing, Copyright Protection):

Your work has been featured, but wait. It may also be sold or licensed elsewhere without your knowledge or consent. This is a blatant copyright violation. It's a double blow to your wallet and your rights.

“Fight for what's yours!”

8. Flood of advertisements (over-promotion of written content, negative reading experience, ethical online advertising):

Your carefully crafted content is mired in intrusive advertisements that interrupt your reading and obscure your work. This approach to monetization at any cost is disrespectful to both you and your readers. “Demand quality without the clutter!”

9. Pay-to-Play Paradox (Pay to promote games for creators, unfair platform practices, copyright protection):

You've written great content, but if you want to reach a wider audience, you have to pay to promote it on the platform right away. It benefits from your work. These predatory practices exploit financial limitations and limit organic reach.

“Your work deserves better!”

10. Algorithmic Maze (author visibility on online platforms, algorithmic publishing bias, struggle for fair representation):

Your work, despite its quality and engagement, is buried beneath opaque algorithms. Platforms may prioritize sensational content or promote specific creators, making it difficult for your content to stand out.

“Demand transparency in algorithms and fight for fair transparency!”


Remember that you are the driving force in the world of online publishing.

Don't be afraid to demand fair treatment, transparency, and respect.

By staying informed and taking active action, you can help create a more ethical and sustainable ecosystem for everyone.

Share this article, raise awareness, and hold these platforms accountable!

In the end, the written word is worth more than experiencing “micro-scams.”

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