Crushing It Online:5 Mistakes Holding Back Your Social Media Success!

Devang Rathod
Ditch the Grind
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2024

You have ever wondered if there’s a sneaky mistake messing with your social media game? Picture this: you’re posting, tweeting, and gramming away, but could you be accidentally tripping over a common blunder? Let’s keep it simple — we’re talking about 5 mistakes that might be holding back your social media success without you even knowing it.

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1. Inconsistent Posting

If you are posting inconsistently, you are missing out on engagement with your audience. When followers don’t know when to expect content, they may disengage, missing out on valuable messages. This can weaken the connection between your brand and the audience.


Plan and schedule posts ahead of time, ensuring a steady flow of content. Use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite in this process.

Research and analyze when your audience is most active. Tailor your posting schedule to align with these peak times for better reach and engagement.

2. Posting Irrelevant Content

Don’t ever post something that is not relevant to your brand and your audience. Avoid offensive language and stay away from controversial topics. If the content doesn’t align with the brand’s values or is inconsistent with the overall brand identity, it may confuse or even disappoint the audience.


Actively engage with your audience to get feedback on your content. This can include comments, polls, or surveys that gauge the audience’s perception of the content.

In the event of a content-related crisis, communicate transparently with your audience. Acknowledge the mistake, express genuine apologies, and outline the steps being taken to rectify the situation.

3. Ignoring Audience Engagement

A lot of brands ignore audience engagement. Social media is a two-way communication channel; it is made to build meaningful relationships. As a brand, you should respond to comments and messages or actively involve the audience in discussions.


Conduct live Q&A sessions to directly interact with your audience, addressing their queries and building a more personal connection. Focus on building community by encouraging users to create and share content related to your brand. Acknowledge and showcase user-generated content to celebrate your audience.

4. Lack of a Social Media Calendar:

Posting without planning may help you in the beginning, but operating without a social media calendar is like navigating uncharted waters without a compass. Lack of a well-structured social media calendar can cause your posting inconsistency and can lead to a decline in audience engagement, as your followers may lose interest or even forget about your brand amidst the deluge of content on their feeds.


Ensure that the social media calendar aligns with broader marketing and business objectives. This approach strengthens the impact of each post.

Create a monthly content calendar outlining key themes, campaigns, and events. This provides a strategic overview of the monthly content goals.

Use tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social to schedule posts across multiple platforms in advance. This will ensure a consistent posting schedule but also free up time for you to focus on creating high-quality, engaging content.

5. Not Tailoring Content for Each Platform:

Most social media managers use a one-size-fits-all approach, posting the same type of content across all social media platforms without considering the unique characteristics and preferences of each platform’s audience. Every platform has its unique features and audience, such as Instagram Stories, Twitter polls, LinkedIn articles, etc.


Analyze engagement patterns on different platforms to understand how users engage with content on each platform. For instance, Instagram may favour visually appealing content, while Twitter users may engage more with concise and timely updates.

Leverage the unique features of each platform, such as Facebook Live, Instagram Reels, or LinkedIn Articles, to enhance engagement.

Use a cross-promotion strategy that acknowledges the interconnectedness of different platforms. Encourage users on one platform to engage with content on another, creating a cohesive brand experience.


Remember, social media is not just a broadcasting tool; it’s a dynamic space for meaningful interactions. Brands that prioritize consistency, relevance, engagement, organization, and platform specificity will find themselves not only avoiding pitfalls but also thriving in the ever-evolving landscape of social media.

