Dreams — Embrace the In-Between

Kryssie's Place
Ditch the Grind
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024

Your Bridge from Here to There …

Photo by Alex Azabache on Unsplash

When you were a child, did you love playing with building blocks?

The colourful cubes that made a clacking sound when falling, or the pieces that plug together to form great constructions. I did.

I also loved a craft kit that had a paper template for a structure that looked like a building, and bags of clean matchsticks that did not have the ignitable head on the ends.

It came with a little matchstick cutter so you could cut them to the exact size (or thereabouts), and glue them to the paper template. When completed, you could glue the paper edges together, and the kit would form a little building, like a barn.

Building your dreams is like this — building one block or matchstick at a time.

During this phase, you may feel excited at the beginning. Here you are, at the start of your journey, looking forward to an achievement that thrills you and fills you with passion.

Then the day-to-day sets in, and you may start to feel a little drudgery that comes with the everyday process and step-taking.

You may start to allow self-doubt in, wondering if you are going to reach your goal, because damn it, why hasn’t it happened yet?

Sometimes we see people online turning their dreams into reality seemingly overnight. For some, this may be true.

For most, it is just that we haven’t been shown or didn’t discover that successful person in the “in-between” phase. The part where they went from here to there.

The bridge.

It may feel like a void — the in-between.

But if you look closely enough, you will see the bridge taking shape and starting to reveal itself through the mist.

And with each step you take towards your goal, more of the bridge starts to show.

All you have to do is keep taking that one step at a time.

Enjoy each beautiful step — every discovery about your dream and goal, every discovery about yourself and just what you are capable of, and finding out that you are most certainly within reach of that which you desire to achieve.

Love and embrace the in-between — some might say it is the best part!

Celebrate your everyday steps, the path taken, and the achievements along the way.

Until one beautiful day when you reach THERE.

Are you ready to Ditch The Grind?

If you’re ready to escape the daily grind and write your success: The Wait is Over. Start Living — Danny Wolf.

To you, my reader, I wish you all that you dream of — thank you for being here — Kryssie xoxo.

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Watch what pops out of my head by keeping me in a constant state of caffeinated hectic frenzy — coffee is greatly appreciated — https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kryskey.

