Good Friends Can Change Your Life — A Valuable Lesson

The 20 $omething Canadian
Ditch the Grind
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2024

“Show me your friends I’ll show you your future”

We probably all heard one of these kind of quotes at some point.

This one’s about how the people we surround ourselves with can influence our lives. How they can show you who you are or who you’ll become.

Truth be told, it holds a valuable lesson.

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

In the past, I would have been a little embarrassed to have my friends show who I was becoming. I wasn’t surrounded by people who supported growth, or change in general.

Ask the hard questions

I wish I took time earlier to look around at the people I spent time with.

To ask, is there anyone that inspires me?

Do their values align with mine?

Do they make me a better person and try new things?

I was constantly being seen as who I used to be, not who I was becoming. This stunted my personal growth and made it harder to move forward.

Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

What are good friends?

You don’t need to love all the same things they do or have the exact same hobbies. But, having friends that are openminded and supportive can change your outlook on life and yourself. For good or bad.

Friends can alter your habits and routine. They can change the way you think, act, and speak on a daily basis.

It’s how we, as humans, work. We pick up on the little things around us. The people around you will influence you in some way or another.

Finding good people - online & in person.

Thanks to widespread social media, you can find people online and use it as a tool for finding others with the same interests.

Finding people in person is a little bit harder but in my option more rewarding. They can push you to try new hobbies or go to events that you haven’t done before. Here’s some places you can find like minded people:

  • Community Events
  • Facebook pages for local clubs
  • Drop-In events (painting, dance, sports etc…)
  • Local Courses/Lessons
  • Volunteering for events
  • Traveling

With all of these, you can find people inspired and interested in the same things as you. If you have a little bit of interest in an event or club, Go!

In the end it’s you.

In your life, you are the only person who has full control over your choices and friends.

Your life is fully in your hands, no one’s going to hand you change.



The 20 $omething Canadian
Ditch the Grind

The BASICS. Navigating the financial world as a 20 something Canadian.