How to Gain 400+ Followers in Under 6 Months.

On Medium and other social media platforms.

Francis Ekwunife
Ditch the Grind
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

I felt like giving up.

Seeing other writers doing better than me while I was stuck with only 70 followers was hard.

I thought I could never reach 100 followers.

And every day was more depressing than the last.

But those days are behind me.

Now, I gain 7+ followers every day.

I see many writers like me, and I keep getting better than them every day.

I want to share the three tips to help you get ahead of 92% of other writers in under six months.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

How to #1: Copy from writers better than you

Photo by Anton Maksimov on Unsplash

You aren’t the best.

Learn from other writers and copy what works for them.

Read their blog posts.

They have patterns and systems that work for them. And all you have to do is copy from them.

“Every person you meet knows something you don’t; learn from them.” — H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Before, I’d never learn from others. Because of that, I was stuck with 70 followers.

However, my follower growth exploded when I started to learn from other writers and copy their styles.

This is how I do it:

  • I read the newsletters and blog posts of famous writers.
  • Whenever someone’s post goes viral, I study what worked.
  • I always read the blog posts of writers who write about improving my follower number.

How to #2: Start a newsletter with Substack.

Photo by Stephen Phillips - on Unsplash

You need a newsletter if you want 400 followers in under six months.

Substack is a great place to start.

And a newsletter is a way to improve your relationship with your readers.

“Start a newsletter and change your life.” — Tim Denning

I began my newsletter on Substack last month, and I love it.

I get many views and engagements on my posts and new subscribers daily.

This is how I do it:

  • I made a newsletter on Substack.
  • I repurpose my content on Medium for my newsletter.
  • I always share the link to my newsletter in all my content.

How to #3: Write daily and don’t give up

Photo by Paul Kapischka on Unsplash

If you give up now, you won’t get 400 followers in under six months.

You have to write daily.

Don’t get discouraged by low engagement because, in the end, if you’re consistent, you’ll reach your results.

“Winners never quit, and quitters never win.” — Vince Lombardi

I’ve seen writers who start writing, wanting to change their life.

But within a few days, they give up and stop writing.

And I’ve seen writers who write once a month.

These writers never make it to 400 followers.

This is what I do differently:

  • I write daily.
  • I don’t quit because of slow growth because I know I’ll make it one day.
  • I use my reason to write to keep going.

If you want to gain 400+ followers in under six months, practice these three things:

  • Learn from writers better than you and copy their systems and what works for them.
  • Start a newsletter with Substack.
  • Write daily, and don’t give up.

These are the things I did to get to 400+ followers in under six months.

Practice them to gain 400+ followers in under six months.

Share your stories about getting followers to inspire other writers.

If this helped you, subscribe to my newsletter for more exclusive posts on building your brand and self-improvement here!!!!



Francis Ekwunife
Ditch the Grind

Posts about: Self-improvement, writing online, and growing your newsletter. Free newsletter growth course: