I Made My First Paid Sale Online … and Then Fell into a Hole

The ugly side of selling digital products

Dr. Schmidt
Ditch the Grind
3 min readMay 3, 2024


A hole
Photo by Kurt Cotoaga on Unsplash

I started my first side hustle as a Notion creator almost seven weeks ago. I create digital products called Notion templates and then offer them to the public.

I chose this side hustle because I love Notion and am fascinated by the possibility of selling digital products. Moreover, I don’t like the idea of client work or hopping on calls, so selling digital goods seems like something that suits my needs and personality, although I have been thinking about the option of client work lately.

A week ago, I launched my first paid product, the Conference Travel & Management Hub. You can read more about my launching experience here.

On launch day, I made my first-ever paid sale.

Gumroad sales notification
Screenshot by author

When I looked at the email notification about my first sale, I felt incredible: It was a mix of pleasant surprise and joy, but also a feeling of relief that I was able to make online money, mixed with gratitude towards my first buyer and the world we live in, which makes all these things possible.

I posted on X (Twitter) about this huge milestone, and my fellow creators celebrated with me. The feeling was awesome.

But then, I fell into a hole.

It turns out that this one paid sale is the only one until now. My lowest point was about three days after the sale when no more sales notifications were incoming.

I started feeling down and thinking things like, “I will never make it as a creator” or “I will be trapped in my job until I retire.”

Luckily, I have made my way out of this hole again. Being trapped in it made me reflect on my journey so far.

I know I don’t have a clear content strategy yet. Since I started posting daily on X, I post whatever comes to my mind on the current day. I rarely schedule posts. I do not take advantage of my expertise as a psychologist and brain scientist. I probably also have not reached my target audience (academics), at least for the Conference Travel & Management Hub, which is my only paid template so far and is tailored to this very specific group of people. So, definitely, my strategy needs a revamp.

Or, well, I need a strategy because I don’t really have one yet.

On the positive side, I engage regularly on X and have built some meaningful connections there. I have started writing on Medium and have a growing follower base, and my third-ever article on Medium got boosted. I have also enjoyed my journey a lot since starting in March. Giving up is not an option.

I know that most creators who are successful today and make a full-time income as solopreneurs were once like me, trying out things, finding their audience and niche, and making many mistakes. It is not a “get-rich-quick-deal” for most.

I am trying to ignore the “I went from $0 to $10K in a month” people on social media and concentrate more on building meaningful connections and making progress with my side hustle and learning journey.

So yes, during the next weeks, I will be reading more than ever and working on a clear strategy for the future. All this on top of a highly demanding job in academia and family life. But I am serious about this and want to succeed.

I have left the hole behind me. Off to new adventures!

Disclaimer: This article contains an affiliate link, which means that if you make a purchase through this link, I will receive a small commission at no extra expense to you.

Hello! I am Dr. Schmidt, a psychologist, academic, and Notion creator. I enjoy sharing my thoughts about different topics here on Medium. If you like my work, follow along!

My Medium profile: https://www.medium.com/@creatorschmidt

Follow me on X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/creatorschmidt

Find my Notion templates at: https://notion.so/@creatorschmidt



Dr. Schmidt
Ditch the Grind

I'm a Psychologist who works in academia, a cat lover and passionate gardener. I write about Psychology, academia, and productivity. I'm also a Notion creator.