I Wrote 22 Articles in March Which I’m Proud of. Here’s How I Did it.

I’ve never taken Medium so seriously before

Hustle AM 📝
Ditch the Grind


Photo by iam_os on Unsplash

Last year I did the craziest thing I’ve ever imagined.

I bought a van and I moved into it while living in central London.

Those were the most awesome 5 months of my life.

Yet, at the beginning of this year I’ve decided to move back into a flat.

It took me about 2 months to settle and to reaccommodate myself with living in a shared space, with people from other corners of the world.

Then, as soon as I felt ready, I jumped back into my good old habit.

Writing has been my passion for years now, but I’ve never taken it so seriously before.

This time I’ve decided to change my approach radically.

I Needed Something to Focus All My Attention On

During the week, the majority of my time is being spent at my 9 to 5.

I work in finance. My job is boring. But people say I’m good at it.

However, I’m a creative soul and I’m aware of that.

And writing is my passion through which I can express myself the best.



Hustle AM 📝
Ditch the Grind

Welcome to Hustle AM! A place where I document my journey from working a 9 to 5 job in finance to building my online business that will serve millions of people