Medium vs Personal Blog vs Substack

Which one is right for you?

Samy Julian
Ditch the Grind
3 min readMay 7, 2024


Photo by Nachristos on Unsplash

With popular platforms available like Medium, your own personal blog, or Substack, it can be challenging to decide where to share your articles.

Let’s look at each one of them and see which is best for you:

1. Medium

Medium is like a big online community of writers from different genres. Anyone can write and publish articles on Medium. When you publish, your articles can be seen instantly by a large audience from all over the world.

Medium also has its own built-in readership, so your articles might reach more people compared to starting from scratch.


1) Large built-in audience.
2) Easy to use and set up.
3) You can make money through the Medium Partner Program if your articles are popular.


1) Medium can change its rules or even shut down.
2) Limited customization options. Your articles may not look unique to people.
3) Earnings can vary, and you might not make a lot of money unless your articles are widely read.

2. Personal Blog

A personal blog is like your own corner of the internet. You have full control over how it looks and what you write. Setting up a blog can be easy with platforms like WordPress or Blogger.


1) Full ownership of your content. You have control over your blog and its future.
2) Complete customization. You can make your blog look exactly how you want.
3) You can monetize your blog in various ways, such as ads, sponsored content, or selling products/services.


1) Building an audience from scratch can be challenging. You’ll need to work hard to promote your blog and attract readers.
2) Maintenance and upkeep are your responsibility. You’ll need to handle things like hosting, security, and updates.

3. Substack

Substack is a platform specifically designed for writers and newsletter creators. This is just like having your own email newsletter that people subscribe to.


1) Direct connection with your audience. Subscribers receive your content directly in their email inbox.
2) Easy to set up and use. Substack takes care of the technical stuff so you can focus on writing.
3) You can monetize your newsletter by offering paid subscriptions or including ads.


1) Limited reach compared to platforms like Medium. Your content is mainly seen by your subscribers.

2) You don’t own the platform. Substack can change its policies, and this can affect your work negatively.
3) Making money depends on your subscriber count and engagement, so it might take time to build a significant income.

Which Should You Choose?

The best platform for you depends on your goals and preferences. If you want to reach a large audience quickly, Medium is the best way to go.

If you value ownership and customization, a personal blog would be better. If you prefer direct engagement with your readers and are willing to put in the effort to build a subscriber base, Substack might be the right choice.

Don’t forget to consider what matters most to you: audience size, ownership, customization, and potential earnings.

Thank you for reading! Which do you prefer? Medium, personal blog, or Substack?



Samy Julian
Ditch the Grind

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