Piggy Dippin’ Status — March 2024

Month two of the Piggy Dippin’ Challenge was a success.

Oliver Quip
Ditch the Grind


Another month to check off! Image created by the author with MidJourney.

March was great for our Piggy Dippin’ challenge progress but was unique because it was tax refund time…so that obviously won’t happen again for April.

Curious about Piggy Dippin’? Here’s a bit more detail…

Recap of February 2024:

The first month for the Piggy Dippin’ Challenge was off to a good start with a 9–5 spot bonus, which was all put into the Piggy fund ($2,403).

Here’s the breakdown for March 2024:

We continued to keep our challenge at the forefront of our minds early in March, which was great for our tax refund! We decided to Piggy it all instead of spending any of it.

We also “found” some additional money from our February budget and side income to add. Bit by bit we’ll make the goal!

$250 — Feb budget leftover



Oliver Quip
Ditch the Grind

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