Stuck in Traffic? Try These 5 Tips to Reduce Stress in the Car

These 5 tips will change your perspective

Donovan Michel
Ditch the Grind
5 min readFeb 8, 2024


Photo by Musa Haef on Unsplash

Traffic sucks.

The commute to work is one of those things that can “drive” up your impatience (yes, that pun was intended).

Whether you’re running late or would rather be anywhere else, traffic can not only be frustrating, but it can also be dangerous.

Road rage is a real thing and is more likely to occur when traffic is present.

Here are 5 things you can try to stay calm, cool, and collected in the car.


Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

Most cars have a radio. This tool is underrated in many aspects.

You see, I drive a very old Honda. There is no auxiliary cord. My only source of entertainment while driving comes from the radio.

Luckily, there are many podcast options for me to listen to.

I like listening to podcasts about personal finance, health, fitness, and more!

There are many radio stations that have podcasts built into them.

Better yet, you can also listen to podcasts through an auxiliary cord on Spotify for example.


Photo by Laurenz Kleinheider on Unsplash

The great thing about being stuck in traffic is that you have lots of time to think.

Driving is a skill that doesn’t require 100% focus all the time, especially when you are just sitting behind other cars.

This gives you time to reflect on your week and think about what went well and what didn’t.

This opens up time for to improve yourself by analyzing things that you could adjust. Even the smallest adjustments can lead to great outcomes over time.

I reflect a lot when I’m in the car.

You see, I’m not a huge music person. I like the silence of car rides alone. Does that make me weird? Some people think so. However, I see it as peace and quiet. It truly is beautiful being able to reflect on life while driving.


Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

Prayer is something I do frequently in the car. Even the simple “Hey God, thank you for today” prayers are so inspiring and give me a great sense of joy.

Knowing that God is always listening is so encouraging because He hears those prayers. While short prayers don’t go into much detail, its the little prayers that can change the outcome of your mood that day.

I also like to talk to God out loud when I pray in the car. I usually talk out loud when there is nobody riding in the car with me. I find it very easy to talk to Him in the car because the environment allows me to be able to go into deep conversation.

Those deep talks with God set the tone. I encourage you to try praying to God in the car sometime.

Even if you aren’t a believer, being grateful for the day and showing appreciation for the circumstance is a great way to be humble and positive to your peers. It sets a positive tone.

Plan Your Day

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

There are many things that need to get done each day. Have you planned your day yet? Traffic creates a great opportunity to make mental notes. Create a daily schedule (in your head) during your commute to work that covers everything you need to do.

A schedule and a plan can save you lots of time because you will know exactly what you need to do and won’t have to waste time figuring it out as you go.

I recommend talking out loud while planning your day. Studies show that hearing yourself speak allows you to remember your thoughts and ideas better.

The next time you need to remember something while driving, start repeating it over and over again. This gives your brain the best shot at remembering it later on.


Photo by Marília Castelli on Unsplash

Last but not least, music can help you! Turn on some tunes and “get jiggy with it”. Did I really just say that? I didn’t even grow up in the 90's. Oh well, I guess I’m getting old after all.

But yes! Music is a game changer, especially for impatient people. Traffic can be so frustrating, but music will allow the time to go by faster.

The radio is a great option in my opinion but if you don’t like advertisements, then find a bunch of radio stations that you like.

Radio stations are in business to make money. Keep that in mind if you don’t want to listen to a bunch of ads all the time.

So there you have it! Those are my top 5 tips for activities to keep you occupied while stuck in traffic.

Please be safe while driving. Don’t let these activities distract you from driving. You could be putting other people and yourself in serious danger if you get distracted by these activities.

Control your impatience. We all know that traffic sucks, but that doesn’t mean we can’t control ourselves when put in those situations.

Until next time,

— Donny

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Donovan Michel
Ditch the Grind

Donovan is a financial coach helping everyday people with personal finance. Learn more about Donovan's coaching here: