Three Biggest Medium Hacks to Monster Results

Tested by myself and other people

Ajayi Olalekan
Ditch the Grind
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Photo by Nachristos on Unsplash

Looking to step up your Medium game and start seeing some monster results?

Whether your goal is more readers, engagement, earnings or authority status, these three big strategies can unlock rapid growth.

1. Craft High-Value Content

At the core of success on Medium is consistently creating content of the absolute highest value for your readers.

Valuable content means articles that deeply resonate with what your audience cares about, needs and struggles with. Write to provide real solutions, actionable insights and transformation.

Here are some elements of crazy valuable content:

  • Helpful how-to guides and actionable tips. Teach practical skills step-by-step.
  • Vulnerable sharing of personal stories and lessons learned. Be open about your journey.
  • Thought-provoking ideas that challenge assumptions and shift perspective. Give readers those “aha moments.”
  • Thorough, well-researched information on complex topics. Provide depth and nuance.
  • Practical application of big ideas. Make abstract concepts tangible.
  • Unique perspectives and frameworks. Offer a fresh take.
  • Immersive storytelling. Craft compelling narratives that hook readers in.
  • Transparent sharing of behind-the-scenes details. Pull back the curtain.
  • Tactics and strategies proven to work in the real world. Share actionable techniques.
  • Relatable examples and analogies. Use clear language.
  • Humor and personality. Let your writing style shine through.

These elements help content deliver real value that improves lives. Focus on serving over selling. Build trust and community.

2. Consistently Publish More Content

The more content you publish, the more chances readers have to find and engage with your work — volume matters on Medium.

Setting a consistent publishing cadence trains followers to expect new stories regularly. This builds anticipation and loyalty over time.

Here are some tips for sustainably increasing your publishing volume:

  • Set a regular schedule for writing, like 2x a week. Consistency is key — even if starting small.
  • Systemize your creative process with templates and content calendars.
  • Repurpose content from other platforms and expand into Medium versions.
  • Collect ideas constantly. Keep a running list to tap when it’s time to write.
  • Start collections around main themes to multiply streams of content.
  • Experiment with different content formats like short stories, Q&As, and listicles.
  • Collaborate with others for co-written posts.
  • Let some pieces be less polished.

More content means more opportunities to deliver value, engage readers, and get discovered by new folks. But focus on quality over quantity — don’t flood Medium with fluff.

3. Commit to the Long Haul

Building an audience and creating change takes time and consistency.

It may take months or years to gain momentum. Have patience both with yourself and your growth pace.

Stay focused on your long-term goals and vision rather than getting caught up in day-to-day stats. Keep showing up genuinely to serve readers.

Trust that by consistently providing high-value content over time, your work will organically spread, and you’ll gain loyalty.

Avoid comparing yourself to other creators. Run your race. Learn from successful writers, but write for your people.

Keep experimenting, evolving and putting your unique perspective out there. Breakthroughs often come when you least expect them.

So commit to the journey and know results will come through living your purpose. Persistence pays off exponentially.

Wrapping Up

Follow these three principles — high-value content, increased volume, and long-term commitment — and your Medium success is inevitable.

It may take time, but the compound effect of delivering crazy amounts of value consistently over months and years is unstoppable.

So stop overthinking algorithms or trying to hack the system. Focus directly on serving your audience. The rest will follow.

Now, implement these tips to start seeing monster results and changing lives!

Need help on how to build a profitable writing business and the lifestyle of your choice? Hop on a free 15-minute clarity call with me.

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Ajayi Olalekan
Ditch the Grind

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - | Get my Medium Masterclass —