Which Superpower Would You Pick If You Could Only Choose One?

Would You Fix ‘Clap and Run’ Syndrome on Medium?

Samy Julian
Ditch the Grind


Photo by Craig McLachlan on Unsplash

Imagine having a special superpower, but you must use it wisely. Which superpower would you choose, and why?

1. Teleportation: Say goodbye to long trips because you can teleport anywhere in a snap. Characters like Nightcrawler from X-Men or Hermione Granger from Harry Potter can move anywhere instantly, which is super useful when you’re late.

2. Fast Learning: With this power, you could absorb knowledge really quickly, which will make you a master at lots of things in no time. Imagine smart characters like Sherlock Holmes and the likes, who are good at understanding things quickly because they learn so fast.

3. Invisibility: Become a sneaky genius by disappearing whenever you want. You could be like Frodo from “The Lord of the Rings” or Susan Storm from Fantastic Four, who can vanish and do secret things without anyone seeing them.

4. Lots of Writing Ideas: Imagine being able to think up endless ideas for stories or articles. You could easily match the likes of J.K. Rowling and Stephen King, who always have new ideas for their books.

5. Time Travel: Change history or see what will happen in the future. Just like the famous DeLorean…



Samy Julian
Ditch the Grind

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