How Dithereum achieves whopping 100K TPS?

Dithereum Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2022

Low transactions per second (TPS) is the major shortfall of the Ethereum and other blockchain platforms. There is a severe effect on the blockchain platforms which are based on Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism.

Therefore, Proof of Stake (PoS) based consensus blockchain evolved. High TPS allows the developers of the platform to build high scale real world decentralized application.

How Dithereum Mainnet achieves 100K TPS?

Dithereum mainnet is using proprietary multichain algorithm, which allows to scale the TPS on demand. This high TPS is not available in the Testnet, but will be implemented in the Dithereum Mainnet final launch.

Following is the diagram of Dithereum’s multichain algorithm

Dithereum Multichain Algorithm
Dithereum Multichain Algorithm

As seen on above diagram, multiple sidechains will process the transactions, which will be synced with the master blockchain. So, master blockchain will control all the sidechains, and those side chains will hold all the individual transactions. The master blockchain will control and secure the integrity of all the sidechains.

How it compares with other blockchains?

Most popular blockchain platforms like Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain (BSC) are struggling currently with low TPS capacity. Ethereum has around 30 TPS and Binance Smart Chain has around 100 TPS.

Blockchain Comparison Table

Therefore, achieving 100K TPS by Dithereum is real technological innovation and it will solve the problem of the high scaled real world decentralized applications.

Concluding, it is apparent that the Dithereum’s Technological Innovations can make real difference the in way we use blockchain applications. This is the technology of our era.

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Dithereum Blog

Dithereum is an open source blockchain smart contract platform, focusing on security of user’s digital assets.