How safe is Blockchain? Blockchain Security Guide?

Dithereum Blog
Published in
6 min readJan 2, 2022

Technology has proven to be a powerful tool in protecting the integrity of vital information. This is true not only for the Dithereum but also for almost any transaction involving digital information. That promise of security has ramped up Blockchain’s fast adoption rate in recent years and Dithereum just does that.

Blockchain has proven to be a powerful technology for protecting the integrity of vital information. But that doesn’t mean it’s entirely safe. We’ll cover the accurate data you need to know about blockchain security.

As a leader in business technology, you’ve become savvy over the years. You know that customer and product data are valuable and that protecting those assets online is not just essential but critical. But with so many buzzwords flying around these days, it’s hard to tell what new-fangled technology is worth the risk. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), also known as Blockchain, is one of the hottest new technologies such as Dithereum. However, you may be unsure how it will impact your company. This article offers insight into why businesses like yours should start thinking about how blockchain security can benefit you now and in the future.

Blockchain is built to offer unparalleled security to digital information. But it doesn’t mean it’s entirely safe. And when I say “blockchain security guide,” I mean many things like passwords, public/private keys, private/public addresses, Web wallets, and general security practices. So without much ado, here we go.

How do BlockChain works?

Blockchain is the future of security, and most banks on Wall Street are already investing in the technology. Blockchain technology is similar to the internet, which relies on a decentralized network rather than just a single server. Blockchain uses a decentralized or distributed ledger on a host of independent computers, often called nodes, to track, announce, and synchronize coordinated transactions. This distinct form traditional trading models that rely on a clearinghouse or exchange, which tracks everything in a central ledger.

Blockchain technology is currently the trending internet start-up and finance investment, widely regarded as a secure way to conduct transactions. But blockchain security has yet to prove itself in the real world.

The Basis of BlockChain security

Blockchain is a decentralized technology, which means no one company oversees everything and makes sure that everything happens appropriately. A blockchain is a distributed ledger, and at the same time, it’s a “trustless” system, meaning that users don’t have to take their word for anything written or entered into the block. To muddle through the Blockchain, you need to hack all nodes at once, without anyone noticing.

Blockchain was developed to serve as a peer-to-peer transaction ledger for bitcoin, the world’s first decentralized digital currency. The technology — essentially, a distributed database run by multiple computers synchronized via the internet — is considered more secure than centralized networks like those used for credit card payments.

  • Permissioned vs. Non-Permissioned BlockChain- A blockchain security guide for businesses is a must-have for anyone who works in the cryptocurrency industry. It can be challenging to navigate the treacherous waters of cryptocurrency and not get lost. There are many important considerations to consider when dealing with cryptocurrency blockchains. As blockchain technology evolves, the security of cryptocurrency blockchains is becoming more scrutinized. After all, hackers will be looking for weaknesses once the public begins to trust blockchains with real value. This could even happen if a few speculators can successfully attack existing systems and make a profit.
  • Role of Minors in the BlockChain Industry- as Bitcoin and other forms of crypto has grown in popularity, so has the mining process. For assumers, cryptocurrency mining is a way to collect crypto coins or tokens. For the cryptocurrencies themselves, mining contributes to blockchain security, as it’s a way to ensure the integrity of the underlying Blockchain of their currencies. Cryptocurrency mining is verifying transactions and adding them to blockchain ledgers. Miners are remunerated for their work with bitcoins or other forms of cryptocurrency, but the work can be strenuous.

How blockchain security prevents overspending?

While blockchain security guides are not the most exciting topics for most people, it’s a critical topic that every crypto enthusiast should know about. This is essentially true if you want to invest in crypto or if you want to incorporate blockchain technology into your business.

For payments and money transfers, Blockchain helps prevent “double-spending” attacks. These attacks are a significant concern for cryptocurrencies. In a double-spending attack, users will squander their cryptocurrency more than once. It’s a matter that doesn’t arise with cash. If you spend $5 on a sandwich, you erstwhile have the $5 to spend. But with crypto, there’s a probability that a user will pay the crypto multiple times before the network finds out.

To wrap up, digital payments are becoming the preferred method of payment. And the innovation to improve customer experience is far from over. As we can see a new market with new opportunities, cryptocurrency is one of them.

Risks Involved in the Security of Cryptocurrency

  • It doesn’t ensure human safety- With the growth of Blockchain comes a corresponding concern among regulators about its inherent risks. That’s because Blockchain fabricates a new way to implement transactions. There’s no manual intercession required to send or receive money, eliminating some of the more human safeguards that have evolved. While the technology benefits the integrity of the asset’s identity, or information involved, it is entirely skeptical with the reference of the recipient and transmitter. This is one area where central coordination can exercise valuable discretion.
  • Might Cost High- Blockchain security is a hot topic in cryptocurrencies. The distributed ledger is an impenetrable fortress for personal information, but critics point out that security attacks are inevitable as long as Blockchain remains so complex and reliant on miners. With all the noise of late about bitcoin and its offspring, it’s hard to believe there is a bigger fish in the digital currency pool. But there are two, and they are called ethereum and Blockchain. Both have seen a steep rise in value in the last year, and both have monetary supply caps that ensure their deflation. Another critical point to the high cost of maintaining the networks that make blockchain function. Mining these coins, which is crucial to their integrity and survival as a working currency, consumes vast energy. The network’s total energy consumption is equal to the electricity needs of 2 million U.S. homes.
  • Hacker Activity- One of the biggest problems in the cryptocurrency world is blockchain security. While the exceeding nature of how Blockchain works — using decentralization, consensus, and cryptography — ensures that transactions are tamper-proof, hackers have still found ways to defraud the system. In 2019 alone, twelve crypto exchanges were hacked. In particular, hackers have found ways to cheat the system by exploiting security flaws and poorly-implemented software.

How to make sure that your BlockChain network is secure?

Security is strict, especially when you’re working with Blockchain or cryptocurrency. Since you can’t trust everyone on the exchange, there are a few things a user can do to make sure the crypto exchange they select is secure.

Though it may seem simple, securing your crypto is quite challenging. First and foremost, the blockchain technology that enables bitcoin and other similar currencies have never been hacked. However, exchanges that deal with these currencies can easily be compromised by an employee engaging in foul play or by hackers. Many of the largest heists in cryptocurrency history have occurred at crypto exchanges rather than the underlying software.

Properly securing a blockchain network is an increasingly difficult task. The number of different nodes on a blockchain, the number of ledgers being tracked, and the size of each combination are inherently high. This has created a problem for applying traditional security practices to blockchains.

Trustable sources, secured networks are the key ways to have a secure network.

Concluding, Consumers of cryptocurrencies should practice safe, secure habits to protect themselves from the dangers of Blockchain. But the security risks of Blockchain are worth it, considering there are potential returns on your cryptocurrency investments. Dithereum is focused more on security and protecting user’s digital information.



Dithereum Blog

Dithereum is an open source blockchain smart contract platform, focusing on security of user’s digital assets.