Top 5 benefits of using Dithereum vs other blockchains

Dithereum Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2022

The blockchain space is still in its infancy and there are lots of market problems to be solved and still lots of technologies to develop to take the blockchain into mainstream adoption. The true vision of web3 will be when every ordinary joe will be using it even without realizing it.

Dithereum was created with the vision in mind that it will address and tackle the problems blockchain space is facing now. So, this article highlights some of the main benefits Dithereum offers vs other existing blockchain platforms.

100,000+ Transactions per seconds (TPS) capacity:

Dithereum’s proprietary multi-chain algorithm allows it to accommodate high numbers of transactions to be processed in a second. This algorithm uses parallelism of side-chains where all individual side-chains process transactions simultaneously. This high level of transaction processing capacity really empowers the blockchain developers to build high scaled real world applications. More details about it can be found in this article.

Smart contact creator reward:

Dithereum shares up to 40% of the transaction fees with the smart contract creator (the dapp owners). This truly creates partnership between the platform and the dapp owners, which increases their profitability to run the dapps on Dithereum vs other blockchain platforms. Just imagine launching any NFT or any utility token in Dithereum, allows dapp owners to receive the rewards based on user’s token transfers. This is truly a great benefit to the dapp owner (or smart contract creator) community to use Dithereum vs other platforms.

Dithereum Safety Network (DSN):

DSN will audit the smart contracts deployed in the Dithereum platform for any security or logical vulnerabilities. This increases the safety of the digital assets of the end users, making them feel more confident to use Dithereum vs other blockchain networks. More details of the DSN can be found here.

Transaction speed:

Thanks to the DPoS consensus mechanism, Dithereum can generate new blocks in less than 3 seconds. This means the transactions can be confirmed much quicker than any PoW blockchains like Ethereum. Fast transaction speed is a requirement for the high scaled decentralized applications.

Extensive developer support:

Dithereum is built by developers for developers. Blockchain developers throughout the globe face tremendous challenges while developing the dapps. So, the Dithereum platform recognizes that the developer support is vitally important to take blockchain technology into mainstream adoption. Dithereum team is dedicated in creating content, tools, and technologies that makes the developers like easier so they are empowered to develop great blockchain applications in the world.


Dithereum platform empowers blockchain developers and dapp owners to push the blockchain technology to mainstream adoption. The platform helps filling the huge gap of the need vs opportunities. Dithereum embraces “Dapp First” approach, and which make it stand out from the crowd of thousands of blockchain platforms exist.



Dithereum Blog

Dithereum is an open source blockchain smart contract platform, focusing on security of user’s digital assets.