What Does Blockchain Actually Means?

Dithereum Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2022

Consider a scenario in which you can transfer funds straight to anyone without via a bank — in minutes rather than days — and without paying expensive bank fees.

Or one in which you store wealth in an online wallet that is not linked to a bank, implying that you are your individual bank with full command over your money. You don’t need authorization from a bank to acquire or move it, and you never have to worry about a service provider stealing it or a country’s budget policy distorting it. This is not a futuristic world; it is a place in which a small but growing group of early investors live right now. These are just a few of the significant blockchain technology applications that are changing the way we trust and the medium of exchange. Nonetheless, blockchain technology remains a mysterious or even terrifying topic for many people. In the article here, you will get to see what blockchain is.

What Is Blockchain?

Blockchain is defined as a decentralized data ledger that is securely shared. Blockchain technology allows a restricted set of participants to share data. Data information from numerous sources may be readily collected, integrated, and shared using blockchain cloud storage. Data is divided into common blocks that are linked together using cryptographic hashes as unique IDs.

Blockchain maintains data by providing a single version of the truth, reducing duplicate entries, and enhancing security. Because data cannot be changed without the agreement of a quorum of the parties in a blockchain system, forgery and data corruption are prohibited. A blockchain record can be accessed, but it cannot be changed. If someone tries to change data, all participants will be notified and will know who attempted the change.

Information is the lifeblood of business, and the faster and more accurate it is received, the better. Blockchain is excellent for delivering that information because it provides instant, shareable, and entirely accessible data kept on an accounting book that network members can only view with permission. A blockchain network can packet called payments, accounts, production, and a variety of other things. And, because members have a unified perspective of the truth, you can see all the intricacies of the trade from start to finish, offering you greater confidence as well as new economies and prospects.

Features Of Blockchain

The technology of distributed ledgers

The distributed ledger and its permanent record of transactions are accessible to all network participants. Activities are processed only once with this shared ledger, reducing the unnecessary duplication that is common in traditional commercial networks.

Unchangeable records

After an operation has been logged to the shared ledger, no participant can edit or tamper with it. If an error is found in a transaction ledger, a new transaction must be entered to correct the issue, and both activities are then visible.

Contracts that are smart

A set of guidelines, known as a shared ledger, is stored on the blockchain and implemented instantly to speed up transactions. A consensus mechanism can specify the terms for corporate debt transfers and the terms for travel insurance payments, among other things.

How does the blockchain work?

There are numerous types of blockchains, such as public blockchains and collaborative blockchains, but they all have several fundamental core components in common. A blockchain is comprised of blocks, and data is contained within these blocks. The information contained in the data must be stored on the blockchain’s ledger.

In the case of cryptocurrencies, for instance, the data includes:

⦁ Sender

⦁ Transceiver

⦁ How much money is being sent?

Blockchains are also employed in the food tracking process. In this scenario, the data in the block would be as follows:

⦁ Where did the food come from?

⦁ The factory that handled it

⦁ Where did the food come from?

If there is a food-borne disease, the blockchain allows you to instantly determine where the product was manufactured and which facilities (or even persons) handled it. You can then utilize that knowledge to keep others from becoming infected — all in a matter of a few minutes or hours.

The Implications of Using Blockchain

The blockchain, like any other technology, has advantages and disadvantages. Consider the following advantages and disadvantages:


⦁ An open, shared ledger system that is contaminated in the absence of 51 percent of the network’s machines.

⦁ Distributed payment process prevents central banks or groups from exerting centralized control over user cash.

⦁ Transactions crossing international borders are affordable and straightforward.

⦁ The ability to create various sorts of payment systems to support a wide range of operations and data exchanges.


⦁ The valuation of blockchain currencies frequently fluctuates dramatically.

⦁ Due to the limited use of blockchain applications, accessibility is limited.

⦁ Some governments are attempting to prohibit financial blockchain activity.

⦁ Hackers can gain access to bitcoin exchanges and steal funds surreptitiously.

Major Types Of Blockchain

Public blockchain connections

A public blockchain, such as Bitcoin, Dithereum, etc. are one that anybody may join and contribute to. The disadvantages may include the need for a large amount of computational power, little or no process confidentiality, and poor oversight. These are critical concerns for blockchain enterprise application cases.

Networks of private blockchains

As a public blockchain network, a private blockchain network is a decentralized mentoring network. Nevertheless, the network is governed by a single organization, which controls who is authorized to participate, executes a consensus mechanism, and maintains the copy of the ledger. Depending on the use case, this can significantly increase participant trust and confidence. A private blockchain can be run behind a business network and even hosted on company property.

Blockchain networks with permissions

Businesses that create a private blockchain typically create an accessible blockchain network. It’s worth noting that public blockchain networks can be described as follows as well. This limits who is permitted to join the network and what transactions. Visitors must have an appointment or permission to participate.

Blockchain consortiums

The upkeep of a blockchain can be shared across multiple companies, and these pre-selected organizations control who can submit operations and access data. A consortium blockchain is suited for commercial situations in which all parties must be authorized and bear responsibility for the blockchain.


Blockchain technology is till now in its infancy, and as more influential organizations and businesses — large and small — recognize its potential, the demand for blockchain developers will undoubtedly expand for decentralized applications. The article mentioned above has all the necessary details about what blockchain means, and go through it for a better understanding now!



Dithereum Blog

Dithereum is an open source blockchain smart contract platform, focusing on security of user’s digital assets.