What Impact Will Blockchain Have on How We Work, Play, and Stay Healthy in the Future?

Dithereum Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2021

Although blockchain is not as well-known as Bitcoin (BTC) or many of the cryptocurrencies that it helps to power across an ever-evolving ecosystem, the technology’s applications may go beyond the coins it supports.

Society, as well as the concept of wealth, is rapidly altering in the post-pandemic world. Whereas wealth in traditional circles based on fiat money can be defined as cash, property, and generational financial security, Bitcoin extends the definition of wealth.

While blockchain-based cryptocurrency projects can provide wealth in the traditional sense, the technology also allows for other types of riches, such as privacy, decentralisation, and personal security from third-party and governmental intrusion.

In the proper hands, blockchain may give new meaning to wealth in a society whose values have shifted in the aftermath of the current health crisis, and the technology will become a disruptive force in a variety of industries.

Blockchain’s applications are essentially unlimited as a peer-to-peer distributed digital ledger of time-stamped transactions. Technology has the potential to transform finance, security, consumerism, business paradigms, and digital property, as evidenced by data. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of its capabilities.

The fundamental concept of blockchain-powered cryptocurrencies has been to use digital finance to decentralise power away from central banks, making technology a driving force in the struggle against centralised control by banks and governments.

Blockchain may be the technology best suited to adapt to these deep-rooted cultural changes in a post-pandemic society that is becoming increasingly sceptical of the power of global governments and leading organisations. Let’s look at the various ways blockchain can adapt to a quickly changing environment.

The Case for Security

Traditional marketplaces are inherently less secure than blockchain marketplaces. The data within the public ledger is entirely encrypted and safeguarded by the nature of the public ledger, implying that no single party has the ability to change the information therein, making the technology suitable for entrepreneurs to use.

This is already being implemented in the gaming and NFT industries. Where there were no truly safe areas for gamers to trade and transact on their collections, they were compelled to put their trust in shady forums operating as improvised marketplaces to meet demand, leaving them vulnerable to cyber assaults and scammers.

As evidenced by the data, cryptocurrency and gamers are a natural match, with many more users exchanging cryptocurrencies than non-gamers.

Blockchain businesses like Gameflip have established their own coin to further cement the symbiotic tie between gaming and cryptocurrency. Gameflips’ FLIP is a coin designed specifically for scaling peer-to-peer video game purchasing, selling, and trading.

The purpose of these marketplaces is to provide a really safe environment for gamers to execute transactions in confidence, thanks to blockchain technology’s immutability.

However, there are numerous other circumstances in which blockchains might be utilised to give greater security in an era when privacy is in short supply.

Supporting a Health-Conscious Culture

The Covid-19 pandemic has reignited public interest in healthcare in both developed and underdeveloped countries.

When it comes to maintaining medical records and transmitting medical data from one specialist to another, the main issue with healthcare systems around the world is that there is a lot of legacy technology at work.

Patients may find it difficult to retain a complete medical record since their history may span many years, with different practitioners trying different treatment approaches and utilising different medicines along the way. In short, when it comes to sustaining the health of patients, there can be a severe breakdown in critical teamwork and communication.

By providing decentralised record storage and data access as and when needed, blockchain has the potential to dramatically transform how healthcare is managed.

Blockchain stands out as a leading solution for transforming the world in line with social awareness in a society that has evolved to value privacy and authenticity as a result of being burdened by an old and unsafe financial environment.

As we move away from the epidemic period and into the era of the ‘new normal,’ blockchains are likely to be at the forefront of our progress in addressing these new societal challenges and redefining the true meaning of wealth in the brave new world of digital money.

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