Case Study: CoinList

Trey Ditto
Ditto PR’s TrendComms



CoinList is the leading financial services platform for the next generation of technology companies. It is the place where the world’s best blockchain-related technology companies have their initial coin offerings (ICOs) listed and where the world’s top accredited investors have access to vetted blockchain investments.


After a highly successful token sale for blockchain-based data storage network Filecoin, which raised $205 million, the decision was made — between AngelList and Protocol Labs — to spin off CoinList as a new legal entity that would handle all its future token sales. Ditto was approached to help launch the company and position them as the preeminent destination for new ICOs and accredited investors.


It was critical that the launch position CoinList as the “best of the best” in the rapidly expanding world of ICOs, as well as reaching both a mainstream audience of accredited investors and those within the crypto-world looking to do a future token sale.

Further, it was important that all of the services CoinList was providing their customers through the platform — namely a rigorous Know Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance and due diligence process — be elevated as part of their narrative.

Ditto devised a launch strategy focused on making sure that our messaging would reach both target audiences and deliver maximum impact as well as a follow-on strategy to build increased awareness, successfully positioning CoinList as the leading authority on all things ICOs, cryptocurrency, and blockchain within the media and identified communities. Team Ditto wanted to make CoFounder Andy Bromberg a preeminent thought leader in the crypto and token space.


Ditto successfully secured an exclusive with Axios that generated a story and was included in multiple Axios newsletters reaching a diverse audience and a maximum number of eyes. Immediately following, Ditto targeted specific crypto and blockchain-related publications as well as mainstream financial publications targeting the accredited investor community. Coinlist continues to be front-and-center with the financial media and crypto press with appearances that have included Yahoo! Finance, Bloomberg, and Bloomberg TV .

The net result was a wide range of coverage from publications such as CrowdfundInsider and American Banker, with stories like Bitcoin $10,000 Reactions: A Look At What Comes Next in BlockTribune, Will Blockchain Startups Disrupt Journalism in International Business Times, and CoinList, The Godfather of Filecoin’s $257 Million ICO, Heads Out As An Independent in BlockTribune.



Trey Ditto
Ditto PR’s TrendComms

CEO of Ditto PR, A Fast Moving PR Firm the combines Strategy + Results AI / Web3 / Fintech / Edtech