Case Study: Monero

Trey Ditto
Ditto PR’s TrendComms



Monero is a safe, secure, untraceable cryptocurrency that is decentralized and uniquely maintained by a community of core developers.


Monero approached Ditto PR to create media awareness for Project Coral Reef, a holiday shopping initiative that allowed consumers to purchase merchandise from the e-commerce sites of over 50 international recording artists using Monero.


We faced the challenge of going into an undereducated pool of media in crypto. Ditto was tasked with educating the pros (and cons) of an anonymous cryptocurrency.


Ditto focused on introducing crypto to mainstream audience. Breaking outside of the traditional crypto media, Ditto focused on business financial press, music outlets and mainstream media coverage.

Ditto met with the creators of Project Coral Reef and lead maintainers of Monero to gain a deep understanding of both the music industry and ecommerce partners.

We devised an embargoed media relations strategy that focused on initial outreach to mainstream journalists from business, e-commerce and music sectors that included interviews with many interested editors and reporters. The day before the embargo date, we reached out to the crypto-media community which added to the groundswell of awareness the team had created.

Results: The day embargo lifted Ditto secured 15 pieces of positive coverage across mainstream and cryptocurrency media, outlets included Billboard, Forbes, and International Business Times helped position the token as a trusted method of payment, along with raising its monetary value. Trade coverage included CryptoCoinNews, Axios, Coindesk, Brave New Coin, The Merkle and Bitcoin News Service. Ditto

The news about Project Coral Reef was enthusiastically embraced by the media and crypto-community, and Monero’s value rose by 74% in one day. Articles continued to break across mainstream and crypto-media in the weeks following as Monero’s value continued to rise.

Ditto was so successful that Monero retained us for the remainder of the year.



Trey Ditto
Ditto PR’s TrendComms

CEO of Ditto PR, A Fast Moving PR Firm the combines Strategy + Results AI / Web3 / Fintech / Edtech