When PR Trends Come and Go, Visuals Remain

Kris Kitto
Ditto PR’s TrendComms
1 min readMar 22, 2018

We’ve seen a lot of change in PR over the last two decades. When social media came along, we all started running toward Twitter. Integrated communications strategies — i.e. weaving together paid, earned and owned media — dominates today’s thinking. And I’ve read at least three pieces in the last few weeks proclaiming the death of the press release.

But visuals will never lose their power. They can do everything we humans try to do in one take.

This photo (credit: Getty Images) stopped me today. Think of what it says in today’s climate. It was posted with a fairly straightforward story on immigration reform. Yet think of the many-layered story it tells when you ask, “Who is in that room?”



Kris Kitto
Ditto PR’s TrendComms

I chased Members of Congress and other Washington Big Names for several years. I now help organizations tell their stories as a VP at Ditto.