Best Dressed, Worse Dressed. Neccessary?

Ditzy Girl
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2017

I know some people will read this and think another feminist, another girl that doesn’t know what she is on about. But I was thinking last night, yes I think, that women are judged too much. To the point where we are left feeling like we have been strip searched. This shouldn’t be the case. Especially in the Media we see celebrities being stripped down to the bones with trolls and pre-judgements on personality, looks, dress sense and their behaviour. It should be equal, if we get the pre-judgements so should men. Now I know alot of people will stop reading because it is the same old stuff we hear day in, day out. I am going to get straight to the point now:

Best and Worst Dressed. Is it necessary for magazines and online sources to do this to women?

This is what we see whenever a premier, awards ceremony, whatever is on. Yes, it may be interesting and exciting to see who your favourite magazine has put into the lists. But when we get excited about it do we think about the celebrities themselves? At this point I am not only targeting women because occasionally we do see best and worst dressed, the male version, but some people perhaps would shrug their shoulders and say, “They will never see this, they wouldn’t care anyway because they are famous, because they have everything”.

We see these articles about who looked the “worst” at the event but is it really neccessary? Yes it is a free world for opinions, wanted or unwanted but if you are insecure, even a little bit, when you walk in a room full of people at a party or at a work function. Or even going out to do the food shopping you will understand what I am saying. Most women will feel this at some point in their lives, I am 16 and already do. We care about what people think too much, probably because of hearing things on Media about how us women should look and be “perfect” but nobody is perfect? Right?

So, I had prom recently (Last year but thats recent enough). All the girls in the best dress they could find, probably feeling very vulnerable due to the judging us girls like to do. We all do it, we all judge, we all have a comment on what somebody is wearing…good or bad? However, if we had a best and worst dress award imagine how hurt the girl who won or the girls who were selected would feel. The society would think this as wrong for allowing young girls to receive these awards, right? But it is alright for us to make an article or an online troll about what a celebrity is wearing. What I am saying is that we are all the same, just because a celebrity is in the spotlight we feel it is ok to put them into these categories.

A lot of people, if there are people still reading, will say, “Yes, but these celebrities will never see it”. They probably will. If they are worst dressed they probably will find out and see the article. Going back to the prom girls. Imagine seeing a magazine in a store, online, somebody telling you that you were in the worst dressed section? No matter how famous you are, it would hurt. It would knock your confidence, no matter how hard you try for it not too. On my prom night I was very insecure, every snigger in my direction I would question myself, was that at me? I am not in the spotlight, and I will never know what it is like but celebrities will feel the same when they are insecure about something. Because we are all human. A lot of people seem to think celebrities are these robots who have to look so flawless when really they are just a normal person under a bright light being shown off to the world.

You have to turn it around, would you want an article made about what you wore at prom, what you wore to a works party, what you wore going out to the supermarket for food shopping. It isn’t fair. Being a celebrity doesn’t mean they should be stripped down and exposed to hate. They may have this outfit and think how beautiful it is, how beautiful they feel in the outfit but to walk out of their home/dressing room and to be trolled will hit them hard, it will hit them because they fell in love with the outfit they decided to wear. STOP! I have been brought up in a family where you keep your opinions to yourself, or to only say it in the walls of your home because its respectful. This blog isn’t to attack opinionated people because trust me, I am. This blog is to make people think before they say how horrible somebody looks or to troll somebody because it is nasty.

We are all human. I like to describe myself as “Weird but wonderful”, this is an accurate description of me. I like to own that description. We are all different, and these celebrities may dress a certain way because they want too. They may want to wear a meat dress or a balloon skirt, let them be. Why can’t their be variation in the world? Why does every woman have to wear something that is flattering and sexy? Why should women be judged and men on what they want to wear, it is their decision. If they feel beautiful leave them be. We may have opinions and they will have theirs but we shouldn't necessarily make an article or a tweet on how horrible or disgusting they look. This can leave someone with less confidence, insecurity and anxiety.

Before you say something, turn it around.

Ditzy Girl x

