Art and Artificial Intelligence

The ways artificial intelligence will help change art

Umer Sufyan
8 min readMay 20, 2021


What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science that is concerned with building smart machines that have the capability of performing tasks requiring human intelligence. This technology is likely to progress in near future. Artists create new forms of art by using AI while in museums it is used to create immersive experiences. Everyone is curious and talks about artificial intelligence. Today, this technology is in trend. AI has made way into our lives and it seems to be the most exciting, diverging and emerging technologies. Industries from entertainment to the growing world of autonomous vehicles are changed by using AI. There are three types of artificial intelligence:

  • Artificial narrow intelligence- machines having a general range of abilities
  • Artificial general intelligence- machines that have the same level of abilities as human capabilities
  • Artificial super-intelligence- machines that are more capable than humans. We are still nowhere near general artificial intelligence. Some technologies that we use in our daily life use narrow artificial intelligence like image classification, Netflix recommendation and face recognition on our phones.
AI and Art

Why humans create art?

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”, said the famous Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. Psychologically speaking, we do it for a few reasons:

  1. To conjure up an emotional response
  2. To recollect past events and emotions
  3. To communicate
  4. To educate
  5. To make our surroundings more beautiful

In short, we create art to discover ourselves and to understand who we are. Art considers and stimulates the human mind. We look for a way to express words or feelings that are inexpressible and communicate beyond words. Art expresses many things. Artists tap into a moment of clarity that captures a feeling and then they try to put that feeling inside of others.

A peek into the past:

About 30 or 40 thousand years ago, humans didn’t have time for this kind of self-contemplation. They didn’t pay heed to such things. Humans spent their whole lives hunting, fighting, staying warm and safe. But things changed over time. A new kind of human changed a bit and they learned to gather food. Cro-Magnon tribes settled down and they were no further hampered by constant hunting. They sat and observed that long shadows were cast on the long walls of caves by the fires. They thought about something more than survival. They began to draw by picking up burned sticks.

The guardian

Artificial intelligence and art:

The art world is being changed both for artists and fans by artificial intelligence technology. Artificial intelligence changes art and helps the artists as well. In artificial intelligence, machines are stimulated by human intelligence that is programmed to think just like us. They are even able to copy our actions. AI is considered as an artist’s best friend rather than making them outdated in the future. Artisans may have thought that, unlike many other markets, there would be no chance for machines to take over their lovely reins. But AI can prove them wrong. Many art fields are progressing in absorbing machine learning in their crafts. These art fields include savoury to fine art, dance, theatre and film.

How AI creates an art?

In simple words, generative adversarial networks (GANs) is used to create AI art. GANs consists of two machine intelligence that is antagonist to each other. They work against each other to create a final piece. These twin machine minds are known as generator and discriminator. The generator creates random objects or sounds when a large data set is given to GANs. Then discriminator takes these sounds and matches them with the artist images. Artist’s images already exist in the data set. It is a technology that includes learning from antecedent and then creating its expression based on the connection between the disordered mind and logic. It is said that humans do this same to create. They connect the analytical left brain with the more creative one.

Tender Capital

AI generates a new class of artists and artwork:

If we consider machines making human-like decisions then the learning process that is used to make intelligent decisions is called machine learning. Consider it as you raise a small child. You spend thousands of hours teaching the child what is right and what is wrong. We guide them on what to do and what not to do with the aims of a child to make an upskilled decision. Machine learning uses algorithms (a set of rules used in calculations by a computer) to balance thousands or even millions of data points. They learn from it and use that acquired knowledge to make a decision or even prediction.

Deep learning is a technique used to execute machine learning. Deep learning is also known as deep neural learning or deep neural network. We are dramatically excited about the massive changes in the art world caused by artificial intelligence.

AI helps artists, not threatened them:

It turns out that artists need not worry about AI replacing them in the future. Rather, it is considered an artist’s best friend. Here are some reasons why:

AI tools save an artist’s time:

Artist’s use many existing software packages like Adobe’s suite of services. These soft wares automate basic repetitive tasks by incorporating some basic artificial intelligence tools. The reason is to speed up the process of using their tools. It also reduces time by decreasing the need for the manual process.

We can find specific video frames and colour in the entire work of line arts by using machine learning tools with a just click of a button. These kinds of functions with software packages like Adobe’s Firework prove to be a “Magic Wand” feature. For example, the parts of an image which need to be selected, cut, paste, fill or delete is done by using basic tools of artificial intelligence. An artist’s work like smart cropping or automatic photo tagging is discovered online as they are AI-assisted graphic design packages. Auto colouring is another interesting area of development. Although it sounds like cheating. it helps artists save tons of time. It is designed for animations and comics.

AI helps artists in creativity:

There are only 24 hours in a day and we spend a big part of that time sleeping and eating. So, an artist can handle repetitive tasks by using AI. It helps an artist to be more creative. In this way, artists have more time on their hands and they spend that time honing their craft. Artists play around in creative and unpredictable ways by using AI tools. AI tools are used to create things beyond an artist imagination. Artists might have not thought of that before. AI is quite exciting and helpful as compared to labour work.

Film Sketcher

Imitation is the best form of adulation:

One major benefit of AI is that it helps artists with their crafts by imitating the styles of famous artists from the past. Besides imitating great artists, more unique AI-assisted artwork can be created by the software. It turns text into images to furnish sketches into landscapes. Artists can use AI tools as an extra weapon to work.

Creative projects become more conjunct and help cut project completion:

By using AI clients, managers and artists collaborate more easily than ever before. In the earlier times, a project brief was discussed and agreed upon. After that, each member of the chain would head off into their corner to get their work done. Now with progress in AI-powered innovations, it helps open up the ideation process to all team members. It helps to complete the project in a short time interval. It also ensures that everyone is aware of the final objectives of the creative project.


AI helps to build a new genre of art:

The rise of a new genre of art is a hot topic for everyone. AI art is also known as neural network art. This new genre is built by using a clever algorithm. A generative adversarial network (GANs) is used by these neural networks. The products of these systems may be both mysterious and attractive at the same time.

You might think that the time of the human artists is at an end, but the reality is variable. Humans define the code in the first place behind these GANs as well as they set parameters for the goals. In simple words, humans control the idea behind a piece. The AI (GANs) simply ‘do the leg work’ on their behalf. The potential for this technology in the future is practically boundless. Just imagine what Picasso could have achieved with such GANs.

AI art becomes more common in galleries:

A talented team created a host of paintings by using a class of machine learning called GANs. The painting was unique enough to feel completely new. Their team even had one of their pieces sell for as much as $432,000. In this process, “a machine” is trained by showing it thousands of images, or pieces of art so that it can create a unique piece of work.

Source: Christies/Wikimedia Commons

Everyone can become better artists:

The creation of art itself is one of the more controversial aspects of AI. A lot of people find this creative art unsettling and daunting. Some soft wares use generative adversarial networks (GANs). You may use these soft wares to help hike up your drawing skills, taking your rough doodles and sketches and turning them into stunning portraits. Soon, creativity and art could be redefined by creating artistic masterpieces with a few lines of code.

You can create AI art at home:

If you are excited and inspired by the coming age of AI art, then you should create your own AI art. There are a lot of great free tools that will help you create your own AI art pieces. Be sure to stop and use one of these tools to create your own AI art.


  • Artificial intelligence is a technology that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence.
  • AI changes art in several ways. It helps artists in creativity, save their time, generates new art ideas and completes their projects effectively in a short time interval.
  • AI use a generative adversarial network (GANs) to create art. Two machines called generator and discriminator are used in this process.
  • This art is becoming popular in art galleries as well.
  • After looking at all these advantages of AI, it comes to mind that AI will take over an artist’s work. In other words, it may replace human. But in reality, human define the code and set parameters for goals.
  • People who are excited about AI art can make AI art by using AI tools. This technology has a great scope in future.



Umer Sufyan

CEO and Co-founder DiveDeepAI. Building next generation ML apps.