Try This Mathematically Sound Passive Income Growth Strategy — Staking Tezos & Infinity Trade Engine.

Marty Russ
divergent blocks
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2019

If you aren’t earning passive income at this stage, do you even crypto?!?

Utilizing the Infinity Trade Engine and Tezos Staking, you can earn a nice passive income.

It seems like everyone made out like bandits during the 2017 ICO Bubble. I mean, c’mon….we all saw it coming after Ethereum, slews of crypto clones rolling out of an Imperial Ship like a Scene straight outta Star Wars — all claiming to be the next smart contract ETH KING SLAYER. ICO’s became too predictable, like the golden lion that always pays it’s debt with 200–1000% interest. However, all good things must come to an end and while we all knew it wasn’t sustainable, we were blinded by the easy money with our hot pink sunglasses with $BTC logo’s on each side and our over-sized white t-shirts printed “EAT, SLEEP, HODL” on the front in bold black letters. Tezos (XTZ) was one of those ICO ETH Slayers, a beautiful vision spoken from the smooth french accent of Arthur Breitman and his Redheaded wifey Kathleen. This promise of a Self-Amending/Governing Ledger with DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake, more on this later). Seemed too good to be true — so I went all in. Everything. Then the worst thing happened. This guy. Jonathan. Fucking. Gevers.

All that I ask, is that you kneel.

ICO’s were starting to get a lot of unwanted attention from the SEC due to their speculator nature and similarity to investment startups, IPO’s — but without the regulatory requirements and governing oversight to avoid blatant scams (and yes, there were many). Tezos was setup into two separate entities, the foundation — which was led by former President, Jonathan Gevers, Switzerland and the Tezos dev team — based out of Delaware, United States led by Arthur and Kathleen Breitman. Switzerland, as we all know is where money goes to avoid US “attention”. The Foundation was to be separate of Tezos so that it could bypass the SEC upcoming designation of “Securities”. Anyways to make this story a lot shorter and get to the point I will do a quick recap of the conversation— Gevers wanted mo’ money and the Breit’s were all like, “nah we’re good bro, just stick to the original plan and don’t try to pay yourself more” etc etc. Then Gevers was all like, “yo don’t make this public as I go to the media and tell them my side of the story because i’m like, not trying to pay myself more but I deserve more because, i’m like, doing more work and stuff and I control all the eth and btc lolz”. So there was this stand-off and the project got delayed, and delayed again, and investors were PISSED because they missed out on multiple BTC forks and all them gainz when BTC shot up to 20k. Finally Gevers resigned because investors were being mean to him on on Crypto Twitter, and a Mormon named Ryan Jesperson became the new president and he was nice and everyone liked him not because he was mormon but because he was nice and didn’t want all the monies. Then Tezos finally launched but it couldn’t have come at a worst timing.

2018 was a very dark time for crypto. This picture explains it all.

Then Winter came, the crypto landscape froze over and white walkers (mainstream media) spread the FUD campaigns, beating and kicking bag hodlers like bullies in an ally into Joaquin Phoenix’s painted clown face. Regardless of the promising tech, the future seemed really bleak for Tezos hodlers, even though new services were springing up daily led by a robust and weirdly positive community. One of these things to be hopeful about was the fact that you could either stake or delegate your Tezzies (XTZ) and earn an annual passive income of around 10–15% for delegating and even more for staking. You can create your own Tezos node and start your own Staking service, but you need at least a minimum of one roll — 10,000 XTZ to be able to do this. Services like Tezbox (image below) lets you delegate your Tezos to another provider who is Staking, they in return, pay you out every cycle. This is exactly what Coinbase will be doing simply by buying XTZ and holding it in your account.

Tezos, for the longest time (approx two years) could not be purchased over the counter (legally) by US customers because it was not listed on an exchange where US Customers could legally purchase it until Coinbase added it in August of 2019, where it spiked due to speculation and shot up AGAIN when it announced it would allow staking recently in November of 2019.

Now that you have the Tezos backstory let’s move onto the Strategy…

Tezos is easily one of the least volatile passive income staking/delegation PoS coins with a HUGE upside considering they did not have that 10x bubble that most every other coin had in 2017. I believe this to be the SAFEST coin to stake and earn passive income with, while not the most aggressive in terms of percent gain, 10% annual is nothing to scoff at. However, you can leverage this while also actively trading using a mathematically proven trade engine.


First off, this trade engine only works with You must have an active trading account with Bitmex and then use the api keys in your dashboard to start trading. This is going to be a very general overview of the trade engine, it’s obviously very advanced and going into detail on the workings of this engine would be a white paper in itself so I am going to do my best to break it down for you in an easy-to-understand way. This Platform allows you to LEVERAGE YOUR TRADING DOLLARS. While you hodl your XTZ, BTC, LINK etc. Use another portion of your portfolio to be actively trading with a trade engine.

The Infinity trade engine combines the use of technical analysis, algorithmic pattern detection, and advanced order book strategies while simultaneously maintaining account value ratios to mitigate risk exposure. It is able to do this running off Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Python, and IBM Watson. Complete hands-free decentralized trading.

Based on the Fibonacci Sequence, The Golden Ratio & Pi, to gain a better position and exponentially grow your investment in any market condition the trade engine continues to accumulate assets and find the best trades based on your current position to produce the highest returns possible at the lowest risk possible. Forecasting the direction of prices through the study of past market data, primarily price and volume allows it to predict the probable future price movement of an asset based on market data. Simply put, the trade engine observes market trends and makes low-risk entries in the direction of the initial trend using Fibonacci levels.

This takes the human emotional element completely out of the equation and allows your cypto to exponentially grow in a passive state. This strategy combines two methodologies, passive interest based on Delegated Proof Of Stake rewards (similar to physically mining Bitcoin with mining hardware) and active trading using a mathematically sound trading engine. To learn more about the trade engine and get started with trading you must sign up first at ItsDecentralized is easy to use and setup, in no way do you ever have to deposit crypto into a wallet or ever allow it to leave your BitMEX exchange wallet (Right now the only currently supported exchange). You simply use the api key’s provided by your exchange and the trade engine does the rest. ItsDecentralized has a library of resources available to help new to expert traders, along with message boards, an event calendar for various events around the world and more. The trade engine pays you out of your profits, so you can choose what to do with them, either reinvest them back into the trade engine, or cash out your passive income. These two methodologies combined is what I like to call “Trade Staking Strategy”.

2019 could be another cold winter but 2020 has a BTC halving right around the corner in May. In the meantime, use passive income strategies like this to your benefit!



Marty Russ
divergent blocks

Hacker. Crypto Enthusiast. Blockchain Believer. Life Hacker. Gamer.