Five Things That a Career in Tech Changed in Me

Rayan El Hajj
Diverse Sights
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2022

It would be wonderful if I claim to have always been a tech geek and looked forward to a career in tech. Unfortunately, that is not how it went down for younger me.

Regardless of how I got into a computer science study at 17 years old, it did have an influence on my personality. Within and without the workplace.

Here’s five things I reckon have changed due to my career as a software developer:

1- I started to compile everything I am told

While mostly observable by friends and family, it slowly became obvious to me as well.

Everything told to me translated into some lines of codes. If it makes sense you would hardly spot it on me, however, you will definitely realize if it does not!

Suddenly, everything had to make sense or I was hardly capable of ignoring nor letting go of it.

A tremendous effort went into re-acquiring a balance where I do not annoy every single person and become an unpleasant social experience in the society.

2- I became irritated by every repetitive task

Naturally, my programmer self always considered transforming any repetitive, computational, or conditional task into a program.

Yes, that is exactly why people often claim programmers are lazy.

In our defense, we are not any lazier than any other specie. We simply think our efforts are better reserved for tasks that will require the recurrent effort. Unfortunately, repetitive tasks are not classified as “worthy” of our efforts for more than once.

However, this only becomes a real challenge for me, when I cannot create a program that will take care of that repetitive task once and for all.

Don’t you worry about me though! I always learn and adjust! Which brings me to the next bullet point…

3- I became a better learner overall

Thanks to the long process of learning and adjusting, as well as insight into Agile methodology within software development, I gained the capability of learning and adjusting across all aspects of my life.

Suddenly, I was proud of my patience and reflective skills, and how I am capable of change.

Who would have guessed that me between all impatient species will one day be able to sit through without wanting to bang my head against the walls?

(You do realize the last one was a joke ;) )

4- I became more patient

Patience was not one of my traits. At least not that anyone knew of.

As I started my journey as a developer it was packed with failures and frustrations. However, instead of shattering my beloved PC into millions of pieces, I had rather to try again and again…

5- I gained self esteem

The satisfaction of making, not only your life, but other’s lives easier by creating software solutions, is enormous.

Every time I felt the small achievements that made my contribution to the bigger goal of the solution, it felt truly great.

I became this accomplished person within international communities, unlimited to the physical borders.

With the power of the internet, we can connect and enable the craziest concepts to come to life.

Being a software developer meant being a creator, a creative yet rational thinker. My analytical skills strengthened and sense of power heightened.

One of the greatest things that ever happened to me is becoming a software developer. I did not know of the passion within me for it until I got a taste of what is to be a developer. It contributed immensely to my evolution, for which, I am sincerely grateful.

What has your career changed about you? How did it contribute to your personality? To your life?

Photo by Vinay Balraj on Unsplash



Rayan El Hajj
Diverse Sights

Software Developer, Blogger, Crocheter, Knitter, Amigurumi Artist & Relentless Learner. 📷 Insta: @Handraycrafts