Using Inclusive, People-First Language

Diversity Talks
Diversity Talks
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2022

The words we use to describe people and communities have power. They can make someone feel included or excluded. Shape their mindset and belief systems. Language can perpetuate stereotypes or tear down barriers.

Sometimes in our communications, we focus on individual or group problems or needs through deficit-based language rather than their skills and resources. An asset-based approach with people-first language reframes the conversation from “what is wrong’’ to “what is possible.”

Reinforce confidence and strength through uplifting language that affirms people’s humanity. Instead of labeling communities by the issues they face, name and address the systems of oppression that are the root causes of inequitable barriers.

Become a Diversity Talks Spark member to access essential resources, including our Inclusive Language Toolkit and workshop, to help advance anti-racism in your workplace, school, community, and self.


Deficit-based Language

Deficit-based language is language used to describe a person, place, or thing focusing only on the negative connotations, stereotypes, and shortcomings associated with the subject. Using language like this is misleading and perpetuates bias.

Example: Low-income families

Person-first or People-first Language

“At its core, person-first language seeks to acknowledge the inherent and equal value of every individual, before attaching any other descriptors or identities the person may view as secondary or not intrinsic. Communicating using person-first language begins with empathy.” (Source: Edutopia)

Example: Families experiencing poverty or families with incomes at 200% of federal poverty threshold

Systems of Oppression

Discriminatory institutions, structures, and norms that are embedded within the structure of our society.



Diversity Talks
Diversity Talks

Diversity Talks shifts mindsets. We partner with organizations to create unique learning environments where the most marginalized voices are at the forefront.