10 things to do for a more rewarding new year

Geetika Tripathi
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2023
Image by PIRO from Pixabay

As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves stuck in the same cycle of mediocrity and procrastination. Get rid of repeating the same mistakes and promise yourself a more meaningful and successful new year.

Here is a list of 10 very simple things to follow to achieve this :

1. Do not avoid conflicts and tough conversations. The more we shun difficult confrontations, the harder we make it for ourselves to get a hold and control of our lives. Take it head-on and get done with it.

2. Communicate clearly. When in doubt, ask. Instead of assuming about people or things, be brave to express your doubts and earn respect in the long run.

3. Never belittle yourself. Never sell yourself short. You never know who is quietly being inspired by you or deeply aspiring to be like you. Make positive thinking and positive influence, a habit.

4. Slow down. When you find yourself rushing mindlessly and still going nowhere in life, take a pause and appreciate the positive moments in life. It is every bit worth it.

5. Treat change as a beginning and not an end. Build an attitude where you accept what you cannot alter and make the most of any opportunity that the universe offers you. As a new door opens in life, accept it wholeheartedly and be ready to take positive strides ahead.

6. Chin up, Dress Up, and Show Up. Come what may, however hard the previous day or adventure might have been, always start a new day with renewed enthusiasm. Never let the past experiences ever drag you down. Remember, you are what you convince yourself you are.

7. It is impossible to change others. You will never be able to do that. Change yourself instead. Accept others for who they are or what they are.

8. Always stay humble. Gratitude is underrated. Say thank you to those who help you. Being genuinely grateful helps go a long way in life.

9. Forgive yourself. Don’t be too harsh on yourself, learn to accept your mistakes and move ahead. You earned your place, and it is best to give yourself credit for the achievements, foregoing your shortcomings. Overtly striving and getting stuck to achieve perfection makes one oblivious to the wonderful path that lies ahead.

10. Get off the Hedonic Treadmill. This one is the toughest bit and we cannot master it altogether. The pursuit of lasting happiness is as elusive as clinching a tiny globule of mercury in the fist. More on this topic in the days to come.



Geetika Tripathi

Technology Enthusiast. Project Management. Quality Management. Bibliophile. Blogs. Wonder and Wander.