Is your organization fueled by an “ALL-ROUNDER” culture?

Geetika Tripathi
Published in
5 min readMay 14, 2023
Photo by Alessandro Bogliari on Unsplash

With the Women’s Premier League (WPL) having culminated not too long ago and the ongoing IPL inching toward playoffs, cricket is a fever that our nation is always willing to catch. In this sport’s terminology, an ALL ROUNDER may not necessarily score the highest number of runs or take the maximum number of wickets but is indispensable to ensure that the team is at the top and make that critical difference that counts. I would make a feeble attempt to expand this acronym from the cricketing world to mention how my recent org STE, with its remarkable unit head, diligent leaders, and enthusiastic members, is an ALL-ROUNDER of an organization with values, ethos, and culture that help everyone associated become the best versions of themselves.

A: Shaping the practice of Appreciation -As the famous saying goes — “Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” An organization, where genuine appreciation of co-workers is the norm, is much more likely to produce promising leaders, a healthy ecosystem, and successful endeavors as compared to one where this trait is missing. A leader who celebrates and rejoices in the achievements and success — whether tiny or huge — of its people, sets the foundation of a workplace brimming with confidence and excellence and devoid of insecurity, envy, and bias.

L: Leading from the rear seat -All of us have heard about ‘Leading from the front’ but retaining the essence and giving the phrase a twist, true leaders provide directions and guidance to their team and provide them with opportunities to shoulder responsibilities, initiatives and shine instead of keeping the spotlight on themselves. They are ready to take the blame and ownership whenever the team falters but work tirelessly on creating more leaders for the future by providing them with the right platform and challenges to set them up for success.

L: Listening to the Quietest voice -A great organization is one where each person is given a chance to express their opinion and contribute through their ideas. When not only the most vocal but also the most silent, the most diverse, and the most unconventional voices in the room are heard and paid heed to, it creates a perfect atmosphere for varied thoughts and breakthrough notions to grow and flourish.

R: Bringing Research and Innovation to the forefront -The privilege to try multiple times and fail, the freedom to experiment with new ideas, the support to pursue one’s passion, and the liberty to dive deep into topics that would bring long-term results and benefits — all these are the fundamental building blocks of a successful, dependable, and long-lasting venture. An organization, where ample emphasis and encouragement are provided to topics that need thorough research and innovation, becomes a true lighthouse in the sea of technology and possibilities.

O: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities- Every obstacle, every failure, every problem, disguises within itself, the seed of greater good and success. A place where roadblocks and impediments are not seen as hindrances or deterrents but rather as the components of a toolbox that is capable of mending and creating a whole new Legoland of opportunities and success. When the leaders create an ecosystem where everyone is encouraged to take the plunge and fathom the stormy seas instead of sitting quietly on the risk-free shores, accolades and achievements become a guarantee.

U: Utilizing the best and Upgrading to better-Focusing on weaknesses can seldom lead to big results. The tallest of leaders have the knack to motivate their tribe to build on their strengths and make use of their best capabilities. The stalwarts in a great organization are not the ones who can pinpoint errors or flaws in individuals but rather identify and harness their upsides and motivate them to be and do better than the previous day.

N: Building a Niche -Instead of following the beaten track or ignorantly copying what others are doing, when we have an organization where individuals, as well as the unit, create a specialization and carve a niche for themselves, they become the benchmarks for others to follow suit. It could be a unique purpose, a cause to stand for, expertise in topics and nuances, a legacy of excellence in thought leadership, quality, or development, or a strong foothold in establishing a culture of innovation. Once this is achieved, excellence becomes a habit and accolades become the order of the day.

D: Imbibing Diversity and Inclusion -It is easy to jump into the wagon of DE&I just because everybody is doing it or because it makes you and your unit look good. However, it is a different thing when the value and need of a diverse workforce, the importance of equity & equality, and the significance of inclusivity emanates out of deep-rooted experiences, an empathetic heart, a belief in goodwill, and an urge to touch thousands of lives. And when the leaders of an organization demonstrate such behavior and ethos every single day instead of certain special globally recognized days of the year, when the rewards of such inclusiveness include the smiles and empowerment of the focused groups, it invariably becomes the signature of the unit and inspires every member to pursue it.

E: Making Empathy a Way of Life -When the leader walks the talk and ensures that empathy and compassion are no longer a set of virtues to be preached but rather become the mindset and identity of the organization, it becomes the synonym for a super healthy organizational culture. In such an atmosphere, the feelings of apathy and insecurity are quickly replaced by camaraderie and connection. No wonder, such an environment becomes a breeding ground for individuals who have the right mix of IQ, EQ, and CQ and are ready to build bridges, lead wisely and solve any kind of complex problems and challenges.

R: Revisiting, Recharging, Reviving till you get it right -There is no rulebook for a perfect setup, there are no guiding equations for a flawless organization and there are certainly no commandments for an impeccable organizational culture. A truly successful organization is one which keeps on reinventing and rebooting itself whenever there is a need. Everyone associated with it, including the members, customers, and partners, confirms the culture and finds it worth emulating. In such an organization, people form the core and ensure that the technical, industry, and business goals are always accomplished through skills, hard work, and culture extraordinaire.

Is your organization fueled by an “ALL-ROUNDER” culture?



Geetika Tripathi

Technology Enthusiast. Project Management. Quality Management. Bibliophile. Blogs. Wonder and Wander.