Us and the Sea

Geetika Tripathi
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2023

The Sea gives you back
Whatever you give it, and more.
The Sea absorbs.
The Sea is seldom angry, but when it is, do not ruffle its feathers.
The sea is magnanimous.
The sea doesn’t complain.
The sea cures.
The sea lets waves be, the small and the big ones.
The Sea takes you far, helps you explore.
The Sea brings you back.
The Sea propels all — the Sun, the Moon and the stars.
The Sea is deep, no place for shallow thoughts.
The sea lets you sit for hours.
The sea never bores you.
Nothingness and completeness - the sea has both.

The Magnanimous sea

The Sea doesn’t discriminate -

The color, the intellect, the money, the power,
The boat and the ship,
The joggers,
The bench sitters,
The old lady selling stones,
The man with the dog,
The couple,
The quarrelling duo,
The independent girl,
The crows,
The rising sun,
The setting sun ,
The cotton candy sellers,
The little birds,
The yoga lover,
The plain lover,
The stroller,
The casual walker,
The brisk walker,
The sprinter,
The boy selling tiaras,
The old lady from France,
The carefree urchins shining with golden dust,

image by pixabay

The sea waits,
Like an old faithful girlfriend,
The sea ebbs and flows,
The sea never leaves the shore,
It recedes - only to come back with more thrust.
Did you talk to the sea?
The sea listens, never judges.



Geetika Tripathi

Technology Enthusiast. Project Management. Quality Management. Bibliophile. Blogs. Wonder and Wander.