Mars Square the Nodes of Fate: Challenges Upon the Path

Daily Astrology 4.5.2022

Image Credit: Benjamin Carruth for Divine Fire Astrology

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Moon in Gemini, 1st quarter

Venus enters Pisces 11:18 AM EDT

Mars in Aquarius square the Nodes of Fate at 2:48 PM EDT

Moon is now in rapid fire, communication oriented Gemini, where we experience an entire spectrum of emotion but tend to vacillate between polarized extremes. This two and a half days of Moon in the sign of the Twins will be particularly back and forth and up and down, considering that it will engage in easy flowing sextile aspects to the Aries planets we are under (Sun, Mercury which is the ruler of Gemini, and Chiron) but will face daunting squares to the Pisces planets that we are working with (Jupiter and Neptune). Moon will sextile Chiron in Aries shortly after midnight tonight, and this can provoke a late night lively, competitive banter that sort of seeks to outwit our insecurities, and trick us into getting over them. Thoughts will be spinning today with the Moon here, and we require a high level of mental stimulation. Feelings get intense, but are constantly changing, so by the time we realize how deep something is getting, we’ve already spun on to something else.

