In Alpha’s streams I was born.

In Seeking Out
The Divine Mosaic
Published in
1 min readJan 11, 2024

In Alpha’s streams I was born.

To learn of depths I could not know

in love, for love a journey sailed

Along One’s eternal course.

Do not hold love to take one form

Or rest in unchanging state

You’ll never hold her quiet streams

Nor catch her torrent strong

She forms on frozen mountain peaks,

in glacier grips and cold

To change as cloud and mists of pain

Rained down to gentler seas.

We cling to Love’s familiar form,

Traveling Time’s river course

Or tumbling over laughing falls

To pools for life to wade

Large swells of enduring joy

or Peaceful Bay by city’s side

Life rests in inlets of her hope

that tide pulls out each day

But Love’s Strengthened most in strongest storms

To deeper resilience yet

and ripped from shores by tides of pain,

To swim with creatures of the Deep.


In each body search for deeper depths

Until Winds of Wisdom catch our sail

And gift another voyage yet

Sailing on to find Omega’s Rest

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. — Revelation 22:13



In Seeking Out
The Divine Mosaic

Combining faith and creativity (writing, tech and AI), a priest explores themes of addiction, LGBTQ+ identity, and spirituality in a modern context.