Novena of Renewal: Day 2 Monica’s Persistence

In Seeking Out
The Divine Mosaic
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2024

A LGBTQ+ friendly Novena for Recovery

Today is the second of nine days for our Novena of Renewal. In case you missed the first day, or want to learn more about novenas and saints, here is a link to yesterday’s post and prayers.

Saint Monica’s Persistence

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” — Philippians 1:3 (NIV)


Today, we turn to the life of Saint Monica, a beacon of Motherhood and persistent love. Monica was the mother of yesterday’s highlighted saint, Augustine. Her story resonates with those who have faced challenges in their relationships while battling addiction. Before her son Augustine’s conversion, Monica endured years of heartfelt prayers for his safety and change of heart. She shed tears for his spiritual well-being.

Saint Monica once said, “The chain of love cannot be broken.” Her words remind us of the unbreakable bond of love that weaves through our lives and the lives of those we care for.


Dear Saint Monica, as we strengthen our recovery, we seek your intercession. Your life testifies to the profound impact of unyielding love and persistent prayer. Just as you prayed tirelessly for the safety, health and flourishing of your son Augustine, we ask for your guidance and strength in our own journeys. Pray for us.

(Expand the prayer to seek Saint Monica’s intercession, asking for strength, guidance, and inspiration in the early days of recovery. Pray for healing in relationships, renewed faith, and the courage to continue our path towards recovery.)

God of unbreakable bonds, through Saint Monica’s intercession, grant us the fortitude to mend fractured relationships, rekindle faith, and find the resilience to persevere. As we navigate the early stages of recovery, grant us the patience to endure, the faith to believe in transformation, and the love to heal.

May Saint Monica’s unwavering love and prayers inspire us as we journey towards recovery and renewal. With humility, we seek your favor as we take these steps towards healing. Amen.

Glory to the Creator,
Redeemer, and Sustainer,
As it was in the beginning,
Is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen.

Charge for Continued Action:

Reflect upon Saint Monica’s journey and draw inspiration to take meaningful action in our lives. Reach out to those with whom you have strained relationships, offering reconciliation and understanding. Let her story remind us that the power of love and prayer can bring about transformation even in the most challenging circumstances.

Friends, I created In Seeking Out as a way to share my experiences with early recovery. I hope to expand this blog in the future, building a resource for other LGBTQ+ addicts to find solace and spiritual strength through sharing experiences and spiritual disciplines. Your donations are being saved to assist in future growth.



In Seeking Out
The Divine Mosaic

Combining faith and creativity (writing, tech and AI), a priest explores themes of addiction, LGBTQ+ identity, and spirituality in a modern context.