Novena of Renewal Day 6: Remembering the Holy Innocents and Praying for Victims of Stigma and Corruption

In Seeking Out
The Divine Mosaic
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2024

An LGBTQ+ friendly Novena for Recovery

Today is the sixth of nine days in our novena cycle. Thank you for your continued dedication to prayer and your health! In case you missed it here are the prior day’s prayers and saint bios.

Day 1: St. Augustine
Day 2: St. Monica
Day 3: St. Joan of Arc
Day4: Francis of Assisi
Day5: St. Jude

Today, we learn to resist oppressive systems and power structures that exert unjust laws, stigma, and punishment as a means of maintaining power.

Day 5: Remembering the Holy Innocents and Praying for Those Lost

“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted because they are no more.” — Matthew 2:18 (NIV)

In our pursuit of healing and restoration, we reflect on the tragic story of the Holy Innocents, the young children who, according to the Gospel of Matthew, were ordered to be killed by King Herod in an attempt to eliminate the newborn Jesus. Their lives were cut short by the cruelty of a broken society and maniacal power, serving as a poignant reminder of the profound repercussions of societal dysfunction, particularly on the most vulnerable members of our communities. As we commemorate their memory, we are compelled to acknowledge the pressing need for collective action in addressing the systemic injustices and misinformation that perpetuate harm, particularly for those still in active addiction.

In remembrance of the Holy Innocents, we renew our commitment to fostering a world where every child of God is valued, cherished, and afforded the protection they deserve. Their innocent suffering compels us to confront the realities of substance use disorder, inadequate healthcare, and emotional neglect that afflict far too many in our world. In extending our prayers to those who have fallen victim to addiction and those who suffer without access to essential medical and emotional support, we seek tangible pathways to healing and restoration. Through our collective efforts, may we strive to mend the brokenness of our world, ensuring that no innocent life is ever lost due to negligence

“Let us not forget the innocent ones whose lives were taken by the brokenness of the world. Let us also pray for those who suffer in silence, for those who have overdosed, and for those without access to adequate care.”


Holy Innocents, we remember you and the lives lost needlessly in a broken society. Your memory serves as a reminder of the need to address societal dysfunction and protect the vulnerable. We ask for your intercession to guide us on this path of healing and renewal.

(Expand the prayer to seek the Holy Innocents’ intercession, asking for strength and determination to work towards a society where the innocent are protected and valued. Extend the prayer to include those who have overdosed and those without adequate medical and emotional care.)

God of compassion, through the memory of the Holy Innocents, grants us the strength to address the brokenness of our world. Help us to work tirelessly towards a society where the vulnerable are protected and where the innocent are valued and cherished. As we navigate the early stages of recovery, inspire us to be agents of change, striving for a world where all lives are safeguarded.

We also lift our hearts in prayer for those who have overdosed, for their families and loved ones who grieve. Grant them solace and healing. We pray for those without adequate medical and emotional care that they may find the support and resources they need. May our collective efforts in recovery lead to a more just and compassionate society.

May the memory of the Holy Innocents and our prayers for the suffering motivate us as we journey towards recovery and healing the brokenness of our world. With humility, we seek your favor as we take these steps towards a more just and compassionate society.

Charge for Continued Action:

Reflect on the plight of the Holy Innocents and those suffering due to societal dysfunction, and commit to action in your recovery journey. Advocate for the vulnerable, work towards societal change, and strive to create a world where innocence is protected and honored, and where those in need find the care and support they deserve. Amen

“Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” — Psalm 124:8

Gracious God, we remember those lives lost by overdose (we pray especially for…). Comfort their loved ones, strengthen those struggling with addiction, and empower communities to offer compassion and action. May we value each life and strive for understanding and healing. In the face of this epidemic, let us extend hands of love and support, fostering a world of empathy and care. Grant eternal peace to the departed and hope to those struggling. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Glory to the Creator,
Redeemer, and Sustainer,
As it was in the beginning,
Is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen.



In Seeking Out
The Divine Mosaic

Combining faith and creativity (writing, tech and AI), a priest explores themes of addiction, LGBTQ+ identity, and spirituality in a modern context.