Divine Mother Portal: The origin story

Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal
3 min readFeb 27, 2019

Welcome to you!

As you have made the effort to land here, I feel it’s appropriate to offer you a little introduction to the Divine Mother Portal publication, and indeed, to its lead writer.

I’m Nalini MacNab. I. Am. Awake in my own Source connection.

In this lifetime I have functioned as a Transformational Seer, been an Oracle of Light for those needing insights and guidance. I have ‘done the work’ for myself, and assisted others. And, of course, there is always more. Anyone who tells you differently is not telling the whole truth.

In this publication, you are experiencing the ‘more’ in almost real-time, as I am experiencing it unfolding.

Medium has given me a platform to write as frequently and regularly as I am called to, to share these inspired downloads with anyone who is interested, and to commune with like-vibrationed scribes. For this, I am so very grateful!

You will also learn about my past experiences and adventures, as my memory chooses to recall them (or as SHE demands I tell you about them) and get a sense of the steps I have walked to be who, where, and what I am on this planet in this lifetime.

The beginnings

I chose to be born, fully aware, in the house of my mother’s spiritual teacher as Mary MacNab. I studied with her for the first 8 years of my life. When I was 3, I’d give darshan (transmit light) while she taught.

I learned to read at 5 and devoured everything I could get my hands on. Books about animals and nature were my delicacies of choice. My interest piqued in Eastern philosophy and I sought out various streams of learning. Some resonated, some didn’t. I found mainstream religions more than a little frustrating.

Upon reaching adulthood, I sought, traveled, studied and worked in a variety of roles, cities, towns and countries, for 25 years or so. One day my roommate handed me a newspaper called Self-Discovery, thinking I’d like it.

And I guess that was the real beginning.

I continued trying to work in ‘regular’ jobs for a good while, alongside following my now more-dedicated-than-ever interest in expanding and developing my awareness, with the guidance of several blessed teachers along the way.

One of whom, in 2010, told me I needed a new name — that the old one didn’t fit my new (course corrected) destiny.

Through a series of events and circumstances I won’t go into here, (there’s more on my website if you’re interested, or in Walk a (New) Way my book about my awakening) life was forcing me into my calling. I surrendered. I made one promise to Source — that I’d do what SHE asked me to do.

Divine Mother Portal is an extension of years spent supporting expanding consciousness through member gatherings, courses and retreats and an expression of the joy I get through interacting with others on awakening trajectories.

My wish is that my transmissions and musings may help you to know the voice of Source within you, and assist your own direct connection with that Source.



To all of you who have expressed the desire to ‘help out’, to ‘give back’ to ‘give to’ in any form, thank you. It is appreciated beyond what words can express. Here is how you can donate and receive amplified blessings through the Infinite’s prosperity loop.



Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love. https://www.nalinimacnab.com