Loving the Oneness You’re With

Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal
3 min readDec 25, 2020


Photo by Ruy Albcrem on Unsplash

It has been many years since I’ve been asked, with that plaintively solicitous tone in the voice, “Are you able to spend the holidays with your loved ones?” Circumstances… travel… the truth that I celebrate the Solstice, and everone’s light and joy, rather than any particular designated day, and the fact that my answer both satisfied and nonplussed most askers.

My answer? “I always do.” My words satisfied, at the level they were received.

Oh, I know the asking ones meant with friends and family…and my answer has remained the same.

I am in love with this ridge between the mountain ranges. I am in love with the trees that enfold the garden. I am in love with the geese free-ranging far and wide, and the owl in the bare-branched aspens two houses down the road. She is family.

I am in love with the resident feline, and, truth be told, with my friend-sister whose house this is. I am in love with the fire in the fireplace, the savory kitchen smells and the fragrance of lit candles. I am in love with the lights, the joy, and the music, even on those ‘tough’ days we all endure.

Resting in HER Oneness, I love and am loved by Gaia, and all that she offers us when we stop, appreciate, and get out of HER way.



Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love. https://www.nalinimacnab.com