Meet Justin Case…
And listen carefully before living by his rules
Meet Justin Case. He is the well-intentioned ‘inventor’ of the bugout bag, a staunch supporter of prepper mentality, and, for a decade or more, was named on countless AIDS test applications. All this with good reason? Perhaps. There is much to be said for caution in this world.
However, Justin’s energy can prompt endless scrolling of online medical information and/or psychic predictions. “This is not a good source of wisdom,” is rarely received well. As scrolling progresses, Justin’s eyes become a fixed stare, as his heart palpitates and contracts. Fear rules his projected reality. It is as contagious as every imaginable version of hell.
Fear is a feeling, like hunger or thirst, though, in Justin’s hands, it tends to wreak more havoc. What if we chose, instead, to expect, or hope for, the best, and prepare for challenges that may lie ahead? They may not, of course.
Life always has challenges. They need not be dealt with out of fear.
Does Justin offer good advice? Doesn’t everyone, at times? Some precautions make sense. Others may make more sense now. And, there will always be those who take advantage of precaution-taking.
As an alternative? Pause. Breathe. Don’t buy in. Don’t ‘buy’ anything until you are…