Spirit is Willing

Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal
4 min readJul 25, 2024


Photo by Ashley Batz on Unsplash

Is body resisting the birth of new circumstances? Or is something else happening that requires new listening?

Why are human minds so driven to box and label, to dig up, discover, and identify this thing, that thing, this experience, that experience, down to the last jot and tittle of existence?

My child's mind always loved that word, ‘tittle,’ as there was absolutely nothing in her realm of experience to define it. A word that had no meaning to her! How wondrous! A particle of particular undiscovered joy!

Thus, that little word gained a life of its own, ever-expanding yet complete, and deliciously sovereign. Ever giggle-inducing, that little word marked certain Sunday readings with barely disguised glee.

The body has been symptom-laden for several days now. It has zero stamina. Ick. Ouch. All activities are pared down to the absolutely necessary. And it has been amazing to see how few those necessities might be, given the hour or the day.

Others may observe these goings-on and invariably begin the discovery and labeling process. {snore} I have not forgotten how to listen, and Body knows as much. We are evolving in process, and we work as a team.



Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love. https://www.nalinimacnab.com