The Re-Imaging Goddess

Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal
3 min readOct 9, 2023


Photo by Daniel Morris on Unsplash

An Unlimited Source of Divine Love

A decade or so, ago, I shared a series of transmissions from the myriad of shifting Goddess archetypes. Between 13 and 24 Goddess archetypes ‘volunteered’ to share their newly forming configurations through those transmissions. Every archetype chose to re-instruct those who showed up, in how Her image needed to change for what was, and what was to come. These transmissions were some of the most fun I have had in this life. Each brought tears of joy. Those for Isis, Durga, and White Tara reside in the Galactic Mother Temple still. And, now, She morphs entirely. How fortunate, we, to observe Her renaissance.

The Great Goddess, {She who is the non-gendered Creatrix} has figured mightily for me, in this life. Many of her archetypal forms remain favorites. I used to say, “Kali is my girl.” Then I met her mother {Durga}. Sekhmet, of the warrior Goddess ilk, has also been both guide and counselor, as have many of Her beloved forms and faces.

Lately, when I feel, commune with, or transmit these energies, they feel lighter, more expanded, and much more powerful. Perhaps that is only my perception, but I cannot believe that. She’s baaaack!

Some prefer Her forms in nature, Her creatures, flows and waves.



Nalini MacNab
Divine Mother Portal

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.