Truth has a Signature
One we all Feel
Do I mean, one we all hear? No. Ears, like eyes, can deceive. Sometimes we hear notes of truth in anything or everything. This is always possible. Sometimes our hearing is filtered or limited and, often, this is a good thing. Incarnations have parameters for practical reasons. We wouldn’t want to hear about taxi cabs in a horse and buggy immersion, or lessons without wheels.
Truth’s vibration, however, never distorts until we allow that to happen.
I used to own a few sets of tuning forks for energy centers, planetary energies, and other specific kinds of tonalities. My observation, being the sensitive that I am, was that the vibration and the energy definition {the label} were often out of sync. So are most humans, at least insofar as their internal collection of truth configurations is concerned.
We each carry a config file of resonant and non-resonant fibers. Part of any lifetime is learning to assimilate and integrate what resonates with us and to lay aside what does not.
I constantly hear, “There is one truth,” vs “Truth is subjective,” or “Everyone has their truth.” Source has a different perspective. Her truth is One Truth, perceived through infinite lenses.
Truth is Truth. You know it when you feel it.