Ensoulment and Desoulment

Divine Physics
Published in
8 min readMay 4, 2021


Divine Physics, a reflection of a Catholic worker.

A concept people use to discuss abortion though they are irrelevant. Most of us understand only what is prescribed in limited words. What could it be? Where are all the misconceptions? Do you really have a soul? Why does it matter?



A few days ago, I saw a need to teach brain muscle manipulation for creative problem solving to someone in my company. Since we need to root everything back to God to adhere to the first principle (wisdom as defined by Aquinas). Dozens of questions kept coming one after the other around the reality of our brain. While I know what I wanted to teach this person from a physical, psychological, and anthropological standpoint, I wonder how the Lord would see each step of the exercise I wrote in the historical and divine actions. I realized after a few hours thinking, as usual, nothing will come together to contemplate these divine things without simply contemplating about the Trinity themselves. So just like another article we wrote, I stopped, and said to the Lord, I don’t know, and would probably need to know if He wants me to know. And probably Jesus did give me a clue. This article will not cover exactly what I shared with a colleague but solely focus on divine contemplation.

Rational Animal

Aristotle & Aquinas have made everyone believe that human has a rational soul, though I don’t like the word rational at all as it describes no precise thing. I would take that due to language limitation, it can still be prescribed as such though cause a bit of uproar about what rational really means. Some late philosophers and brain researchers in the space has call human as a talking animal, self-conscious animal, animals that can make a plan. I did not find any of these appealing. Why? I saw dogs being trained to talk, I saw animals make plans to win a fight or to get food. Why would these actions have anything to do with rationality in the first place. I don’t think so.

To understand the whole thing, I looked back at Adam and Eve and compare them to the previous non-modern humanoids. I found 2 major differences from the behavior changes post-big-bang of mind 200k years ago.

1st, the ability to make a vision in the brain. (it allows language, planning, dreaming, comparing, abstract thinking)

2nd, the act contrary to our natural instinct. (often called as free-will, wisdom)

Why do I put language in a box under the ability to vision? If you think about Adam and Eve speaking English or perfect Korean, I think we can agree that it was just absurd. When you hear a word, you actually stimulate a vision in your memory that has relation to such word, take for example “run”, or “apple”, I think you realize by now, you are visioning stuff. I think language was just a result of someone visioning the usage of our mouth and vocal cord to simplify life and therefore started making the formal languages after thousands of years.

The real funny question that comes out of it is, then why could humans speak so well now? If you see babies, they actually can’t, if you go to some part of the world, many still can’t speak well even in their own languages. At the end of the day, our brain is trained so hard in modern days to communicate fast as if it is expected to do so, but it is just a muscle training that human is capable of. But still, will chimpanzee speaks well if they are tried so hard and can vision as well? Well, I don't know. However, I don’t think this question serves the bigger purpose, as the ability to vision itself and to do the contrary are the real elephants in the room.

How the heck did humans get this ability?

Interestingly it now reaches the question of ensoulment, what is it then? Rather than writing a long struggle of thoughts, I want to lay out the potential conclusion I have, of course, it could be wrong.

  1. A soul is not a mind, why? If it is the mind, the Angel should not have an intellect as they have no soul.
  2. Spirit contains intellect, therefore our everlasting intellect is based and engraved onto our Spirit, not the soul, or at least not the entire soul.
  3. Our brain allows us to vision (which an Angel can do), and choose not to do evil (which Angel can’t do anymore). And both abilities are lost in brain damage and both not developed well until puberty. This probably means our brain is overtaking the operation of our spiritual intellect while we live. As kids should have Spirit from the beginning and the intellect of a dead child is limited to the brain experience itself until by God’s wisdom given a perfect knowledge.

It seems like when Spirit is taking over, the brain is no longer in charge but retains the intellect, this can be seen in diabolic possession or those who are asked by Jesus to return during a near-death experience (i know this one is not a grounded argument, I don’t think the light, the flowers, the lands many see have anything to do with what we talk about, but I think the Jesus part is worth taking into consideration, especially when someone experienced that, the hand or Jesus telling them it was not the time yet, was still in their memory), wondering this could even be a limbo where a soul might be forever trapped in case of cryotherapy as Jesus mentioned an uncrossable bridge between hell and heaven.

Hmm… Alright. If the intellect comes from the brain, what did the Father do 200k years ago?

One image that works for me is that just like the Father gave a Y chromosome along with a “created” DNA to Jesus, it seems like the mutation for first modern human is so similar to Jesus’ scenario, especially because our Y chromosome is so close to gorilla and chimpanzee, but suddenly different. It seems like this DNA allows us to vision to accept the heavenly banquette, it allows us to make a decision against our animal instinct, which Adam and Eve failed to exercise. The Spirit is not comprehensible and describable in a specific form other than this DNA allows humans to seek darkness in contemplation that often becomes the door of Spiritual activities between our spirit and other spirits.

So what does a soul do?

While a soul is indeed the point of existence, that produces our form,

I think there needs to be a glue between the brain and the Spirit, wondering it could be the soul.

Rather than acting as the operator, it can be seen as the glue that sticks the human body and spirit, when death comes, the soul simply stops the glue, until the resurrection of the body when it recombines the two again. Is it eternal? Yes, just like a spirit, but the soul could be a unique mechanism God created so a Body can maintain its existential dependency on God. I think this imagery might help explain what happens to the unborn, who attain Spirit the moment of conception, though unmeasurable, the ensoulment is the box that keeps the created spirit united to our body.

On top of the general creation that points back to the Father, The Spirit & the God-created DNA are the two factors that make humans have the image of God even before Baptism,

just like Jesus whose Spirit is God and whose body is fully man but God by its identity. This way, it is clearly seen that our dignity is not the same as other animals.

Some might ask: Was the DNA Jesus got God in itself?

I would think not, but I might be wrong. I take this approach because Jesus is fully man and fully God. Making the DNA God itself could reduce the definition of man in Jesus although Mary’s DNA is still present, and the fact that Jesus has genes, meat, organs, that develop from the food He ate, it doesn't seem that His identity should stick with His body part, rather the soul’s identity is God Himself. Likewise, if that DNA is God and the hypothesis about God's DNA onto Adam is correct, I think we will find issues there for men to claim themselves as a god when they are not yet to be.

Where would original sin stand in this equation?

This is an interesting question yet to figure out much, but for now, I would stay where the broken genes from the parents are a curse in itself, the creation of a spirit may entail the effect of the parent’s spiritual sickness as some charms and curses may give into effect, but since the soul itself might not contain memory, the Spirit could be a subset in a soul or itself standalone but clearly isn't the vehicle to replace a Spirit, I would think that sin is imparted to the Body and the Spirit, not the entire soul in itself. Because if so, why would an angel be judged by its spirit but Human by one’s soul and why would the soul be broken of what appears to be a sinful act in the Spiritual realm. But perhaps there are more to pray and to contemplate since the soul is peculiar to men, could it be a spirit in the soul is tainted? Or could it be the entire soul is tainted by the spirit? Or could it be the soul itself has left God’s grace and the independent system of creation is incomplete due to sin? Or the lawlessness in hell has a hand on the creation itself. I guess it boils down to the question of what does the process of spiritual creation look like and where it takes place.

Disclaimer — Catholicer is a lay movement within the Catholic Church. This reflection is not meant to represent the Roman Catholic Doctrine, Theology, or Teaching. Catholicer promises unconditional obedience to the Roman Pontiff and his successors. Languages found in our articles might not be accurate both in the philosophical arena and even in English. We expect potential doctrinal errors in this article, therefore, should be used for a potential approach to Jesus, but not holding onto any information here as final Truth. We are not affiliated to any non-Catholic organizations or try to propose a non-Catholic view, if such occurrence is visible, it is due to our own reflection. We will change our articles without notices if we think it contains non-negligible errors.


