Cherishing the Bible’s Wisdom

Tennessee Preacher
Divine Revelations
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Cherishing the Bible’s Wisdom Involves:


Daily Scripture Reading: Spending quality time reading the Bible helps digest God’s Words and apply His teachings in real-life situations.

Prayer: Time in prayer brings spiritual insight, comfort and boundless peace.

Living the Word: Be a walking testimony of the Bible teachings by living with patience, peace, kindness and love.

Photo by John Price on Unsplash

Clearly, living by the Bible is an enriching journey filled with spiritual growth, moral integrity, and life-changing experiences. It is about abiding by principles that mold character and advancing the Kingdom of God.

As we live through the teachings of the Bible, we unknowingly become the light of the world and the salt of the earth.


Got something you’re stuck with in life, in a relationship, etc.?

Matthew 6:33 : “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you”

Focus on God.

Truly advance His kingdom

He said He would ‘look after YOU, in the process’.


The Bible is FULL of wisdom . . .

For those who are listening :)

Photo by Eric Mok on Unsplash

Be one of those that are listening :)

