Divine Soul
Divine Soul(DS)
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2021

The reality of 3rd dimensional world is Barrier !!!You will have limited thoughts, beliefs and energy .In this third dimensional World whatever you see and think that is your Logical and analytical thinking which plays Vital role.What You believe that appears to be your reality.Entire life you struggle to earn money, to make name to buy home,new car ,to lead a brand new life style for you and your family in which you have to invest at least 50 years of hard work and time .Finally when you grow old you will have the money and brand new lifestyle but your health will not support you this is the ultimate reality of 3rd dimensional life.

There is one more dimension of life which is 5th dimension where you create everything for yourself your heart does not hold grudges,rages or Ego your heart energy creates a magnetic field which discharges enormous energy where you start seeing and experiencing divine life which you can create right now in this present moment .Your Imagination ,thoughts and feelings can help you to experience 5th dimensional life.Never be scared to experience the unknown, right now wholeheartedly say thanks with the complete feelings and elevated emotions then see the magic every day it will start appears to be magic !!!

In this life itself you can free yourself from all baggages of past energies and create a wonderful future with this divine magnetic field of energies.Past ,Present and Future is right now this very moment!!! It is not required to take many births in order to understand the reality of self and Universe.

Nikola Tesla said you can create your life with Energy ,Frequency and Vibration in the present moment,he had also seen his future in the present moment itself .When you align your Energy ,Frequency and Vibration with Universal Energy ,Frequency and Vibration you become god you can change anything and everything you want!!!

For more Universal knowledge you can go through the below book !!!



Divine Soul
Divine Soul(DS)

Entrepreneur/Life Coach /Author/ Writer/Spiritual Coach/Trainer/Motivational Speaker.