Enhancing a Story with Kinetic Typography

Putting type in motion is an exciting jump into the world of visual storytelling.

Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
A Designer’s Diary


Screenshot by Author | Quote from Rick & Morty

“Kinetic typography can be seen as a vehicle for adding some of the properties of film to that of text.”
— Johnny C. Lee, Jodi Forlizzi, Scott E. Hudson

When I started my grad school journey in the Integrated Digital Media program at New York University, I said that I was interested in visual storytelling. That interest remains true and I was really excited to learn motion graphics with a focus on putting type in motion as a part of my Visual Design course this spring. I’ve been chronicling my progress in my A Designer’s Diary publication throughout the semester.

I’ve always been intrigued by motion graphics, but since I’ve never used After Effect before diving into this project. That technical barrier made me hesitant to jump in. But now that I’ve made my first attempt, I’m really eager to keep experimenting and developing this skill set.

Kinetic typography really provides an interesting opportunity to enhance the written word. I’ve been a writer since I was a child and kept cultivating that skill through my undergrad years and the six years of my career thus far. Bringing text to life and adding deeper meaning to it with thoughtful animation and visual effects…



Leigh Victoria Phan, MS
A Designer’s Diary

Brooklyn-based writer and poet. Designer in NYC. Drinks books and loves coffee. Has an MS from NYU in Integrated Design & Media. Working on an MFA in Fiction.