Checking Out!

Paula Vivas-Avila
Diving Into The Bay Area Work Culture
3 min readOct 21, 2016

The time has come to wrap-up this project. They were 3 intense weeks, moving around the Bay Area, full of stories, great conversations and challenging reflections. Honestly, we were a bit overwhelmed in the end, so we decided to take some time and space, to make sense of all our thoughts/emotions, and share them now, when we both feel it’s right.

Our intention, was to get a real perspective of the Bay Area, specially the work culture. We feel our mission was accomplished, we have different eyes, so we both have our own story. Like Helene Schalck said, their is no single story.

Therefore, we decided to check-out individually, as we connected and reflected in different ways. Please enjoy :)


We wrote in our Check In that this project would lead to A real perspective of the work culture in the Bay Area. I later corrected that to Our perspective.

And my takeaway is a real perspective. It’s that everyone has their own view on a good work culture, and it’s important that everyone gets to share theirs. I believe, to have a work culture that’s makes us work better and be better at work, we need to have spaces to talk about what a great work culture means for all. That way everyone can feel included, heard and safe at work, even if everyone can’t get exactly what they want.

Every company has a unique work culture, there is no “one size fits all” for company cultures. It’s the conversations about work culture that can help shape the great ones.

This is how I see it: Taking an active approach about your culture has to be a top-down choice but there is not a top-down magic solution. Culture needs constant work and communication is (as usual) key.

I check out hoping I have inspired to have more conversations about how we can work together in the best way - at work, not after work with a beer in hand.

Check out!


I know the rational part of the project, but I’ve been told that I’m an irrational human being, and it’s true.

Therefore, the Bay Area Work Culture, has made me question my professional development in a very personal way. I know this might sound confusing… I’ll do my best to explain myself.

During the last year at Hyper Island, I’ve been studying Digital Business, a program that has allowed me to see the impact and role that leaders and organisations, big or small, have in the world today.

How Internet and Technology have enabled the world to connect, to empower humans and transparency, to create empathy & development and to build a better world.

Silicon Valley, The Bay Area was always a point of reference. I was curious to go and experience the leading innovation Hub, where “the future is happening”, the better world. After being there 3 weeks, I know it’s not much, but… is that a better world? Today I can say it is not for me.

Please note that when I say a better world, I mean an inclusive, fair and diverse place, with a sense of community, where humans come first. Where solving problems like inequality (all kinds of it), segregation and poverty ,among others, is a key part of the agenda too.

I know this might sound like romanticism, but for me it’s purpose. It has given me a lot of hope, drive and commitment to make things better.

So, I’m checking out of the Bay Area, with GRATEFULNESS, for challenging me and allowing me to re-connect with my purpose and the problems that I want to solve :)

Thank you everyone who has supported us and helped us make this project happen.

Thank you Tom, Dana, Daniel, Pontus, David, Annika and Mafe, for letting us stay at your place and for sharing your stories.

Thank you for inspiring and mind-opening conversations to John, Jake, Justin, Diego, Jorge, Chris, Mariano, John, Marcela, Kelly, Paul, Andrew, Leah, Anne, Kikki, Per, The team Zooka Creative, Santiago, Valentina, Mariana, Juan Sebastián, Pablo, Gwen, Katrina, rene, Lisa, Marek, Miriam, Andrew, Janus, Bud, Juana, The Uber Drivers and everyone else who shared their perspectives with us.

Thank you for sharing ❤

Co-written with Helene Schalck

